Why It’s Impossible Democrat Rep. Bowman ‘Accidentally’ Pulled Fire Alarm

The firestorm of controversy surrounding Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) continues to intensify. New pictures have emerged that utterly douse Bowman’s feeble excuses for pulling a fire alarm in a House office building, an incident that sparked a pandemonium and delayed a crucial House vote.

These damning images, first revealed by the New York Post, show a bright red alarm glaringly marked with the word “FIRE” and signs providing crystal clear instructions on how to open the emergency door. Yet, Bowman, in a laughable attempt at defense, claimed he thought pulling the alarm would magically open the door!

This ludicrous explanation has been met with scorn and disbelief from lawmakers and political observers alike. Former Michigan Republican congressman Justin Amash, known for his straight-shooting style, didn’t mince words: “Members of Congress know what signs mean. This was reckless.”

Even former President Trump, never one to shy away from controversy, weighed in, suggesting that Bowman should face the music for obstructing an official government proceeding. “He pulled the alarm to delay the vote. He should be arrested and charged,” Trump opined.

The incident occurred during a nail-biting House vote on a GOP stopgap spending bill. Critics argue that Bowman’s “mistake” smells suspiciously like a deliberate tactic to delay the vote. The alarm triggered an evacuation of the building, throwing the proceedings into chaos and providing a convenient pause in the voting process.

The Republican-controlled House Administration Committee isn’t taking this lightly. They’ve launched an investigation into the incident. Also, Capitol Police are hot on the trail, releasing a still image of Bowman caught red-handed pulling the alarm.

Bowman might have thought his stunt would go unnoticed in the political circus, but he’s now facing a harsh reality check. Obstructing an official government proceeding is no laughing matter. In fact, it’s illegal under federal law, punishable by fines and imprisonment.

In a shocking twist, Bowman’s own party seems to be distancing themselves from his antics. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed her disappointment, stating, “This kind of behavior is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of our institution.”

Bowman, once a rising star in the Democratic Party, now finds himself increasingly isolated. His feeble excuses aren’t fooling anyone, and these new pictures are the proverbial nail in the coffin. As investigations continue, the implications for Bowman could be significant.

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All Dems Out

Put a suit on a tailess monkey, you still have a tailess monkey.


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Last edited 7 months ago by Julia

Wasn’t he a school principal and he didn’t know what a fire alarm looked like after all those years working in schools ? Don’t schools have fire drills? Did he ever participate in those drills?

Nicki Cribb

You are full of male-bovine excrement!


c cup dont be an **ss

Stephen Russell

Prosecute him


This A-hole needs to be charged. No if ands and buts.


Throw that bum in prison.hes committed a felony by pulling that alarm. If he goes free all j6 arrested need to go free. Two tier system of justice will prevail. Then throw them all out

Rebecca Holstine

A swat team needs to knock on his door, early morning. Take all his phones and computers. Arrest him, throw him in solitary confinment. Then he can sit back and wait till they get around to charging him in a year or two.
