URGENT! Biden Giving Away US Sovereignty to China-Backed WHO!

American sovereignty is quickly coming to an end thanks to Joe Biden. The Biden regime has been negotiating a legally binding deal to give the Chinese-backed World Health Organization (WHO) full authority over United States pandemic policies without getting approval from Congress. This move is hands down a threat to American sovereignty and an affront to our system of checks and balances.

The WHO is an international organization that works to promote global health, but it has been criticized for its close ties with China and its lack of transparency. The proposed agreement would grant the WHO sweeping powers over US pandemic policies, including the ability to set standards for public health measures such as mask mandates and social distancing. It would also allow the WHO to override decisions made by state and local governments, potentially overriding democratically elected officials.

The Epoch Times reported,

Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in September 2022 to announce “the U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue.” Together, they developed a “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S. government-WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.”

These discussions and others spawned the “zero draft” of a pandemic treaty, published on Feb. 1, which now seeks ratification by all 194 WHO member states. A meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is scheduled for Feb. 27 to work out the final terms, which all members will then sign.

Written under the banner of “the world together equitably,” the zero draft grants the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared, all signatories, including the United States, would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that this undermines US sovereignty by allowing an international body to dictate domestic policy without any input from Congress or the American people. This could lead to a dangerous erosion of civil liberties, as the WHO could impose restrictions on freedom of speech or assembly in order to combat the spread of disease.

Proponents of this ridiculous agreement argue that it is necessary in order for the US to effectively combat global health threats such as COVID. They point out that by granting the WHO more authority, we can ensure that our pandemic response is coordinated across borders and that we are better prepared for future outbreaks. Maybe they should just go to China then.

This has to be stopped. What Congress needs to do right now is impeach Joe Biden before he can do any more damage to our country.


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Nonsense. Treaties Must be ratified by 2/3 majority of the Senate. Biden can sign anything he wants it’s meaningless


You really dont think GOP senators will sell you out ? You need to pay more attention


The “uniparty” WILL INDEED!




biden is an illegal man in the wh, he was an illegal vp also, all need to be held accountable

Ron C

Yes accountability is desperately needed, but don’t count on the criminal government to hold the perpetrators accountable! And that includes the corrupt courts!


Fk Biden and fk the WHO! I’m a sovereign American and refuse to listen to unelected control freaks in another country! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


When are the citizens of the United States going to get it through their thick SKULLS that fraudulently “deep state wealthy elite CABAL”, “installed” dementia-joe and the “HO” ‘heels-up harris are chinese communists that have been BOTH bought owned and controlled “puppets”? Many “representatives”, in CON-gress are also card-carrying communists, and WILL “make DEAD OF THE NIGHT, “backroom deals” and ratify “treaties” as long as they continue to get their “share ” of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. WAKE UP PEOPLE! IT is ALWAYS about POWER, CONTROL, and the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. They could give a CRAP LESS about the American citizens.

Last edited 2 years ago by cliff

Glad to see someone else in the USA has their eyes open. I was beginning to feel like the lone stranger.


This and Biden paying a surprise visit to Ukraine and pledging ANOTHER HALF BILLION DOLLARS is reason to remove him, Harris and Becerra immediately! We, the people, can’t take this any longer.


Execute all of them traitors!

Ron C

No doubt ten percent of that money 💰 scam will find its way back to the Big Guy. All at taxpayers expense!


I would like articles like these to include a subject specific “Take Action” link so the representatives can be bombarded with w/ emails



John Lloyd Scharf

The Democratic Party’s Historic Deadly LIE, with the collution of all media, is COVID vaccines work despite known evidence of the fact:
•They do not prevent infections.
•They do not prevent contagions.
They do not have liability for side effects.


They are not vaccines but are experimental gene manipulators and should have never been allowed to be dispensed to the public under EUA! It is all a giant SCAM! The entire public was the Guinea Pig! And they don’t give a rats bottom about any of us!


We need to get out of the WHO and the UN. They are both communist controled


They are worse than that! Evil controlled!


Its obvious that election theft has consequences


Biden is pushing to be executed and nearly everyone would sing joy to the world when it happens!


all those responsible for the covid and vax scams, should be publily executed.

Last edited 2 years ago by george

How this WHO has gotten loose in United States business, lives and our Government is beyond United States.


We can’t let hidenbiden get away with this.Neither should the repukes, allow it.


Arrest this Treasonous Traitor Immediately Today immediately and his criminal administration those hiding behind the scenes millionaires billionaires that are paying for the destruction of America this needs done NOW he isn’t the president it was all illegal we all know this and biden himself said they cheated that they have gotten really good at cheating started with another illegal obama, backed by a criminal thrown out of his own country because he is vile evil person soros


It is time for a new revolution. The Biden crime family and the ChiComs, including McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, et. al. are all complicit in weakening our nation.

Last edited 2 years ago by robinsong