The Irony of a Socialist Vice President Taking Bribes

Eva Kaili, the 44-year-old Vice President of the European Union’s Parliament and member of the European Parliament since 2014, has been arrested in Belgium with four Italians on bribery charges. Kaili is a Greek socialist serving as vice president and is also a member of her home country’s socialist party, Pasok-Movement for Change.

It appears that her alleged crime was to use her power as an EU official to shape EU policy in such a way as to benefit Qatar and take bribes from them in return. This latest scandal demonstrates the hypocrisy of socialism and the power of money – even among those who profess to be against capitalism.

The news of this arrest is particularly ironic given that Kaili represents a party that promotes “socialism” as its primary ideology. According to Marxism, socialism is meant to be an economic system where the government controls all resources and production, creating an egalitarian society without class divisions or private ownership. But it seems that once powerful socialists get their hands on some power, they are willing to turn their backs on the ideals they preach in order to line their own pockets with money.

It also highlights how easy it is for powerful people in positions of authority to take advantage of less powerful people – especially when there are no checks and balances in place. In this case, Kaili allegedly used her position at the EU parliament to benefit Qatar at the expense of other countries – all while taking bribes from Qatar for doing so.

This type of behavior is unacceptable in any political system but unfortunately, it still happens far too often – especially in countries where corruption runs rampant.

This scandal serves as an important reminder that we must not become complacent when it comes to fighting corruption and abuse of power – no matter who is committing it or what their political beliefs may be. We must remain ever vigilant if we want our governments and institutions to remain honest and accountable – otherwise, we risk allowing those in power to take advantage of us without consequence.

The recent arrest of Eva Kaili should serve as a warning about what can happen when politicians forget who they are supposed to work for -the people -and instead focus on using their positions for personal gain. As citizens, it is up to us to hold our politicians accountable by demanding transparency and integrity from them at all times – especially if they claim they are socialists!

We must remember that regardless of political ideologies, greed only leads down one path; corruption and abuse of power which harms everyone involved except those at the top reaping all the benefits! Only then will we begin moving toward real social justice instead of counterfeit socialism fueled by greed!

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This is but one of several ongoing scams in European Union leadership. Here’s one example – from 2000’s to 2008’s “carbon-credit scam.” Here goes: Between 2008 and 2009, 1.6 billion euros were swindled in a huge carbon quota market scam dubbed the “fraud of the century”. On Monday, 36 people suspected of running the scheme’s largest operation went on trial in Paris.” Here are all details: At the head of the Marseille-based gang appearing before the judges this week is Christiane Melgrani, a former math teacher who once managed a piano bar. The outspoken 59-year-old, known as “La Marseillaise”, had previously been sentenced for drug trafficking and sales tax fraud in telephone businesses she participated in.(end of statement). Folks, it’s endemic…can’t get away from this “crooked game” of musical chairs.
there’s more, and Mr. Donald Trump correctly put his finger on this travesty to EU’s citizens. Amen. God Bless America. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. Kitchen Militias to decimate marxist indoctrination. God Bless. .



Steve Clinton

She must have taken lessons from the American Democrats.
