Russia Threatens to NUKE the West if it Loses in Ukraine

Alright folks, buckle up. Things are heating up, and not in a good way. In the latest installment of “how much more intense can this get,” Russia has threatened nuclear strikes on London and Washington if it doesn’t emerge victorious in the Ukraine war. Yep, you heard me right – nukes. As if things weren’t already chaotic enough!

This warning comes from Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, former Prime Minister, and President of Russia. According to the man himself, Russia would unleash its “entire strategic arsenal” if attempts were made to return Russia to its 1991 borders.

Now, let’s break this down a bit. Medvedev is essentially saying that if Ukraine tries to reclaim its UN-recognized national territory, which Russia has occupied for close to ten years in some areas, it would invite a massive retaliation. And apparently, he sees the Western states aiding Ukraine with arms as legitimate targets. His exact words? “Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing. To a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kiev, Berlin, London, Washington.” Talk about a chilling statement.

Medvedev suggested that rather than face Russia’s nuclear weapons, the forces trying to roll back Russia’s war against Ukraine should stand down “before it’s too late”. He even went so far as to claim that losing its newly conquered territory could push Russia into civil war, resulting in “the direct and irreversible collapse of present-day Russia… a violent civil war with the final disappearance of our country from the world map. Tens of millions of victims. The death of our future. The collapse of everything in the world.”

Despite these threats, Medvedev seems confident in Russia’s victory. He believes that Russia’s military power is equal to any in the world, and that Russia is a strong country because “we know how to win”.

Well folks, there you have it. A nuclear threat hanging over our heads like the Sword of Damocles. It’s a grim picture, but let’s not forget – this is just one man’s opinion. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail, and this war can be resolved without resorting to such drastic measures.

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I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

Same if on your back or on your knees?


If you don’t have Internet, how did you post this nonsense?


It is a comfort knowing our Marxist leaders will be safe in taxpayer built doomsday bunkers.


GPS co-ords to DC, Rehoboth Beach and Chappaqua… anyone… anyone?

Rich Arnone

Maybe a nuclear war will bring back the Dark Ages and the world can start fresh after 150 to 300 years. Congratulations to all you Foreign Policy experts in Washington.


It will not help because humans will human

Last edited 1 year ago by freedomwriter
Donald Cook

Please use 99% of the nukes on Ukraine and please make sure you get Zelenskyy.


Joe Biden must be getting plenty of kickbacks from Ukraine because he wouldn’t be pushing monetary aid packages for Zelensky if he wasn’t. Bushels of hryvnia (each worth about $0.03) flown into Biden’s house every month.

Das F.B.I.


Cuck Schumer threatens to send our kids to fight Russia if Repubs don’t send more bribe money to Zelensky.

Communists making threats.


God has the final say.
no matter what happens.
just pray that most people will know Jesus before it is too late.


I wonder if the nuking of America would get the “historians” who just rated Biden the 14th best US president in history would result in them lowering his number – or raising it.


Make your first target Washington, DC Vlad!
