Lindsey Graham Turns on Trump and Demands He Be Investigated

Lindsey Graham is at it again, proving once more why he’s the king of the RINO club. This time, he’s rushing to the defense of John Bolton, calling for a Senate investigation into President Trump’s decision to revoke Bolton’s Secret Service protection. Seriously, Lindsey? With all the crises facing the country, this is what you think deserves a Senate probe?

Let’s back up. On January 21, Bolton reportedly woke up to Secret Service agents delivering the news that Trump had revoked his protective detail. The decision wasn’t exactly shocking—Trump has been clear about his no-nonsense approach to trimming unnecessary taxpayer expenses. And Bolton, a guy who cashed in on his Washington insider status with a book deal and frequent TV appearances, is hardly destitute. Trump himself addressed the move last Friday, saying, “They all made a lot of money. They can hire their own security. Fauci made a lot of money. Bolton made a lot of money. I can give them good numbers for security people.” Hard to argue with that logic.

But of course, Bolton couldn’t resist playing the victim. He’s been on a media tour claiming the Iranian threats against him are “very real” and criticizing Trump for pulling the plug on his taxpayer-funded security. Here’s a question: if Bolton is really under such grave threat, why is he drawing attention to his lack of protection? Seems counterproductive, unless, of course, this is all about scoring political points against Trump.

Bolton’s self-righteous response was predictable. “The Iranian threats against me are still very real,” he huffed on X. But let’s not forget—this is the same John Bolton who had no problem criticizing Trump at every turn while cashing in on his time in the administration. Now he wants sympathy because his gravy train has come to a stop? Spare us.

And then there’s Lindsey Graham, rushing to CNN to grandstand about Bolton. Appearing with Dana Bash, Graham declared that the Senate should “look at what happened and sit down and figure out what’s the best way forward.” Translation: let’s waste time and taxpayer dollars defending an anti-Trump elitist who can afford to pay for his own security detail.

Trump’s decision to cut Bolton’s protection is yet another example of his practical, no-frills leadership. The message is clear: if you’ve made millions off the back of your government service, you can pay your own security bill. Maybe Graham should focus on issues that actually matter to Americans instead of pandering to the D.C. establishment.

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Graham is a true pos RINO. He was John McCain’s lackey right up until his death. He grandstanded over the Blasey-Ford bs in the Kavanaugh hearings and did NOTHING about it. He is a weasel, and I can only hope that the voters of SC finally see through his bs and gets rid of him.


Why the voters keep electing him only proves the ignorance of the voters. Same with voters in California that keep electing Pelosi and Schiff.


Someone should take him behind the barn and knock some sense into him.

Sandy Ciarmella

Little weasel, Rino!
He is disgusting!
