House Democrat Finally Realizes the Truth ‘My Party is Completely Delusional’

Just when you thought you’d heard it all, along comes a Democrat with a refreshing dose of honesty and self-awareness. Hold onto your hats! U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat from Minnesota, recently decided to take a walk on the wild side – by attending a Trump rally in New Hampshire. And guess what? He found that the people there were – wait for it – friendly! Yes, you read that right. Friendly Trump supporters. Who would have thunk it?

“I’ve got to tell you guys, I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple of nights ago,” Phillips told CNN, his voice dripping with disbelief. “Met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line, every single one of them. Thoughtful, hospitable, friendly.”

And then, in a moment of shocking candor, he added: “My party is completely delusional right now.” Well, somebody had to say it.

But let’s not stop there, my friends. Phillips further pointed out that these Trump supporters were “so frustrated that they feel nobody’s listening to them but Donald Trump.” Imagine that, people feeling unheard and ignored by the political elites who are supposed to represent them. It’s like some folks are just waking up to the idea that the average Joe and Jane might actually want their voices heard. Revolutionary, right?

Phillips, who is currently challenging Biden in the Democratic primary, even had the audacity to criticize the media for not asking the questions that Americans care about. “You’re doing your jobs, but you’re not asking the questions that Americans give a sh*t about,” he admonished. Ouch. Somebody get the press some ice for that burn.

Now, before we start throwing parades in Phillips’ honor, let’s remember that he’s still a Democrat. And while he did manage to bag about 20 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s primary against Biden, he’s still got a long road ahead of him. But hey, credit where it’s due – at least he’s willing to admit when his party is off the rails.

And there you have it…a Democrat who actually went to a Trump rally, talked to real people, and came away with a newfound understanding of their frustrations. If only more politicians had the guts to do the same. But hey, a guy can dream, right?

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LET THERE BE LIGHT! Yes, Dude! You’re finally getting it! Most people in your party are crazy. Cross over. It’s painless.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia
Michael Carpenter

Does the company provide the kneepads, bibs and mouthwash or do you have to buy that yourself?


He is a democrat. He sees that Republicans believe that the government does not listen to the people. Which half of the country will he listen to. The half that wants more government control to socialism or the or other half who see government as evil which needs to be limited.


maybe if some of the saner dems would just sit and really listen, and look around, they might get a pleasant awakening realization what is wrong in this world right now.their party.

The Rebel



Sadly, you’re right.


This is not about a lack of intelligence problem, this is a control problem They want socialism and will do what it takes to get there.


I don’t really trust some of the Republican party look what happened to Kari Lake when a Republican leader wanted her to take money so she wouldn’t run for the Senate. Then there’s four Republican Senators that want to raise our taxes.


You have the Dims and the Rinos, one and the same. They care not a wit about you or the rest of us, only about being in that elite club and to get wealthy from it. It’s “Me, me, me!” only with them..


Most on BOTH sides are about more $$$$ and NOT to put in your pocket…ONLY theirs.Lower taxes are NOT in the program because we need to support MORE LEECHES from around the world!!!!!!!!




A Grand Awakening! May there be more!

Ed the red

They’re A LOT WORSE than delusional.


Well,DHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How long did it take to realize this???????????
