Homeowner Guns Down Would-Be Burglar After Four Men Break into House…Gets Put in Cuffs

It looks like we have a real-life Dirty Harry situation on our hands, folks! A homeowner in Los Angeles decided they weren’t going to be the victim of some lowlife burglar and took matters into their own hands. And let me tell you, this story is better than any Hollywood action flick.

You see, this isn’t just a story about a homeowner defending their property. Oh no, this is a testament to the importance of the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. But before all the liberals get their knickers in a twist about gun control, let’s dive into the details, shall we?

The incident took place in the wee hours of the morning when most decent folks are still tucked up in bed. Our protagonist, the homeowner, was rudely awakened by an intruder trying to break into his house. Now, some might panic or call 911 and wait for the cavalry to arrive. But not our homeowner. No siree, he decided it was time to stand his ground.

And stand his ground he did! He confronted the would-be burglar and let’s just say, things didn’t end well for the latter. The homeowner shot the intruder, effectively ending the burglary attempt. Talk about a citizen’s arrest!

The police arrived later to find the burglar suffering from gunshot wounds. He was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Now, I’m not one to rejoice in another person’s demise, but when you try to rob someone’s home, well, let’s just say you’re not exactly setting yourself up for success.

But the homeowner’s actions did not go unpunished. Video footage at the scene shows the hero being handcuffed following the incident. It is not known at this point whether he has been charged.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of why the Second Amendment is so essential. It’s not about owning guns for the sake of owning guns. It’s about the right to protect oneself and one’s property. It’s about ensuring that law-abiding citizens aren’t sitting ducks waiting to be victimized.

The homeowner’s actions are a testament to the power of self-defense. He didn’t rely on someone else to come to his rescue – he took control of the situation and protected his home. It’s a lesson we should all remember.

So, there you have it folks. A tale of heroism and a reminder of why our constitutional rights matter. And to all the would-be burglars out there, here’s a pro tip: maybe consider a less dangerous line of work. Because as this story proves, not all homeowners are easy targets. Some are armed, ready, and perfectly within their rights to protect what’s theirs.

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Gerald Ladd

Cops are a clode as the nearest coffee shop.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

You get paid pennies for each hundred times you post this scam.


What would you like? A medal or a chest to pin it to?

Former Marine

you have heard not to give any personal info but you will be found and jailed soon many scammers. We will find you.


Defend yourself and you become the criminal! Welcome to the Marxist State. Where right is wrong and wrong is right!

anthony cuccia jr

That is what Marxism is all about, That Dead POS is not coming back, Thank you Mr,Home defender.


Remember when Obama made everything opposite and upside down?
If you let his wife become President, you will doom yourself to a horrible Communist existence.


No we don’t need the Ape in Heels in the WH

Midnite Rider

She is actually a he.


BIG Mike

Pamela Bolton

And his name is MICHAEL


Amerika has been socialist since 1865. wise up, if’n ya can…


the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika last ! all others FIRST !


The Supreme court of the United States decided that the police have no legal obligation to protect anyone. So we are on our own and if not able to defend ourselves ae at the mercy of the of anyone that feels we are an easy mark.


When in the South, choose your target wisely….


DISGUSTING!!! The man’s civil rights have been criminally affected by the police!!! He needs a go-fund-me like help to fight these Marxists!!!!! It ticks me off to no end to see the local government being corrupted by the state’s own corruption!!! Police, DA’s, Govenor are all corrupt!!! The injustice is deafening!!!


Hey it’s Californication, what do you expect?


and why I will never live in a blue (idiot) run state or city


I understand it is a different city, but this guy has FOUR people in HIS HOUSE. Whereas the pieces of garbage from the Secret Service fire their weapons at someone trying to steal a car. And, crickets on that one.


The cops think they’re God’s, with a gun and a badge. The have to arrest someone to justify their pay.


just like the FIBbers (Gestapo in the Hoover building)


the same idiots that left $84 billion worth (my tax dollars) of military equipment (including AK-47 & AR-15) behind for our enemies, is the same idiots that want to restrict ME from having the same weapon?
