12-Year-Old Dies After Attempting Viral TikTok Challenge

Tragedy struck the city of Capitán Bermudez in Santa Fe Province, Argentina when a 12-year-old girl lost her life to a dangerous viral challenge. Milagros Soto was found dead in her bedroom with a noose around her neck, her father discovering her after returning from work on January 13th. Reports suggest that Soto was attempting the “choking challenge,” also known as the “blackout challenge,” which has claimed the lives of at least twenty children since mid-2021.

Soto had been streaming the dangerous stunt live to her school friends when the fatal incident occurred. While she had successfully completed the challenge twice before, on the third attempt, she was unable to remove the noose from her neck, leading to tragic consequences. According to her aunt, Soto had received a message on WhatsApp with a link to the challenge, which she believes was done in response to the bullying her niece had faced at school.

Experts have cautioned that the “blackout challenge” can have severe consequences, including fainting, brain damage, seizures, and even death. Despite the dangers, the trend has continued to grow in popularity, with more and more children falling victim to its allure. Two girls from California, who watched “blackout challenge” videos on TikTok, the social media platform that hosts the trend, hanged themselves, leading to wrongful death lawsuits against the company.

TikTok has come under fire for its role in spreading the deadly challenge, with critics demanding the platform do more to prevent the spread of harmful content. However, the company has denied responsibility for the ongoing issue, stating that injuries resulting from the choking game predate the “blackout challenge.” Nevertheless, the media has called for TikTok users to report anyone engaging in dangerous viral challenges by clicking on the “Report” symbol. The tragic death of Milagros Soto is a stark reminder of the severe consequences of taking part in these dangerous trends, and parents are urged to monitor their children’s online activity closely to prevent similar tragedies from happening.

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la migra

Ban TikTok. It ain’t doing anyone any good.


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Last edited 1 year ago by juliafoster
Gerald Ladd

Proving you can’t fix stupid!


Tik Tok says the deaths predate the chocking challenge? That makes no sense as the death are directly tied to that particular challenge. This needs to be banned especially since the kids in America have been dumbed down with indoctrination over the last 20-30 years.


What about the parents. Why was the child allowed to be unsupervised on a social media site? Everyone wants to blame a site but why did the parents allow them to be on that site? Too busy in their own lives to be actual parents so they leave their kids with electronic babysitter? That is a recipe for disaster every time. Many children have died due to social media sites but parents do nothing to stop their children from being on them. So who is really to blame?


those parents have a deal, take these toys and don’t bother me!!!

Ben Jr

TikTok: top site for getting rid of STUPID people!!!

Gerald Ladd

LOL..it’s working!!!


When you are 12yo you are expected to be stupid. If those running TikTok were indicted for these wrongful deaths it would stop.


Stupid is, as stupid does.


Unfortunately, Tik Tok has suceeded in draining the Gene Pool of their least smart participants. One less Democrat voter.


Dark but accurate.


The parent also need to be held accountable. You leave a child unattended they can and will get themselves into all kinds of trouble. Worse yet it letting your child lose on the internet without any guidance or supervision. Maybe if they acted more like parents and not their kids best friends their child would still be alive today. People will naturally blame the social media site, I blame the parents for letting their child on social media sites. Parents are supposed to protect their child not let them loose for the wolves to devour.

Gerald Ladd

I’m surprised Biden didn’t try it.


as china and the globalists laugh at depopulation!!!


File under “Thinning the Herd.”

Sasha Royale

More parental supervision. Don’t rely on strangers or a “smartphone to do it. You don’t have to listen, but you should. I am so, so, so sorry when people don’t listen.
