WHOA! Look Which Country May Be Ready to Start a Revolution!

There has long been a theory that a select group of individuals believe they know what is best for the whole of society. These people are referred to by various names, but most often these individuals are seen as a powerful cabal and their push for a global world order is met by many with suspicion and doubt.

Although there is an increasing belief that such a movement towards an international government exists, those who speak out against it are often labeled radicals or lunatics. This unjust treatment of those voicing an opinion should not be the case, especially when the elected leaders professing to protect freedom and democracy are in fact being deceptive.

The idea of a tyrannical ruler is nothing new. Dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping openly accept their autocratic rule. However, this does not make them any more dangerous than the elected officials who claim to uphold democracy yet do everything in their power to reduce personal freedoms. There is something incredibly sinister about someone who says one thing but does another. Lying about their true intentions should set off alarm bells for anyone hoping for a more open, transparent government system.

When considering those advocating for global governance, it cannot be ignored that many members of this echelon have amassed significant wealth over time. This concentration of resources offers immeasurable influence over decision making processes which can lead to decisions made not in the interest of society as a whole but instead with regard to maintaining control and furthering individual agendas.

Not only must steps be taken to prevent such power dynamics from taking hold, but citizens must also be aware that this kind of behavior has been known through history and must remain vigilant especially if they find themselves living under false promises made by elected leaders.

They suffer from a disgusting level of moral turpitude that rivals even the most notorious tyrants in history. These people are not only power-hungry tyrants, they’re liars! Most dictatorial authoritarians seize power through an often bloody military takeover. The citizens are subdued by force. It’s happened many times in history.

The Canadian people have endured a lot under Justin Trudeau’s oppressive reign. Unfortunately, his approach to dealing with the global pandemic resulted in a number of draconian orders that immediately restricted their personal freedoms and liberties. Beyond the usual emergency measures taken by world leaders during such a crisis, Trudeau seemed particularly keen on censoring free speech, imprisoning peaceful protesters and otherwise ruling over his country with an iron fist.

It’s clear that this type of tyrannical government will never succeed in the long run, as eventually the people will rise up to reclaim their rights and freedoms. However, it almost always means huge losses of human life due to the harsh consequences between citizens and their leader. This is why democracies around the world must strive to hold any leader who seeks to violate these principles accountable for their actions.

The situation in Canada compelled many people to take a stand against Trudeau’s tyranny, especially as they had been wary of him ever since he first implemented restrictions on their rights and liberties. In response, many Canadians began to organize peaceful protests across various cities in the country while voicing out against what they saw as an infringement on their civil rights.

Sadly, however, Trudeau did not seem particularly inclined towards listening to his constituents’ grievances or making any changes to his stance on civil liberties. As if this didn’t already make it difficult enough for citizens trying to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, there was also some international pressure on Trudeau from other fellow democracies like the United States demanding that no leader should be allowed to subdue its society without repercussions or consequences for its actions.

Therefore, every freedom-loving democracy must do its part in standing up against those seeking unjust power through authoritarian means like censorship and imprisonment – something which Canada knows all too well about now due its own experience living under the rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

As Trudeau and his dictatorial cabal gathered for a retreat in Hamilton, protesters made their voices heard. Waving maple leaf flags and carrying signs that read “F**k Trudeau” and shouting, “You f***ing tyrant!” and “Resign!” angry Canadians said they’ve had enough. But what can freedom-loving people do when a tyrant seizes control of their democratic government?

The plan is to vote them out of office at the next opportunity. But what can citizens do when these tyrants devise schemes to cheat in elections? This is exactly what’s happening in the United States.

What happens when a tyrant finally becomes intolerable? Is it too late? How can a free society stop tyranny and reclaim their stolen freedoms when a dictatorial tyrant has seized power and refuses to let go? If history tells us anything, that process will not be pleasant.

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I Hope You Do

You haven’t got the stones.
I DOUBLE dog dare ya!


Take the global communist SOB out!…


GOD knows he had it coming

Emil Gamm

It would probably be ok if the world would be interested in abiding by our constitution. You know the answer to that. Never happen.


I see the word “democracy” used inappropriately in nearly every article. The US is NOT a democracy! Democracy is Mob Rule! According to the Constitution, the US is a Representative Constitutional Republic!

As to Trudy, hopefully Canadians have the courage to restore their own republic.

Last edited 2 years ago by J D
The patriot

My original response may not get to you the self righteous word police are monitoring my response


Now that’s hilarious. I don’t care who you are111

Uncle Art

Those in those bright colored jackets are what’s known as dictator minions and if you take them out of the picture the dictator has no power. So I’ve been told 😁


I hope the people of Canada can get rid of Justin Trudeau and hope they learned a lesson on how to pick a leader. I wish the same for the people of America in getting rid of the Democrats but I am not holding my breath.


I was happy that the author of this article ( in the last paragraph ) included what is happening in America along with the authoritarian takeover in Canada. The Trudeau and Biden administrations seem to be trying to one up each other when It comes to making ignorant and dangerous decisions relating to the curtailment of citizen’s rights. Once a God given, guaranteed right has been nullified, a society loses the original meaning and direction of the documents that the founders of that society intended. Authoritarian totalitarianism has meant the downfall of most every civilization
that has gone that direction throughout history. North America is under assault by EVIL individuals who wish to enforce their ONE WORLD ORDER and extinguish the flame of FREEDOM for which our forefathers lived and died. I, for one, would rather die on my feet than live on my knees when it comes to surrendering to these radically indoctrinated, socially ignorant, cancel culture, sexually perverted tyrants. I will not go silent, into that good night.

Charles Covington Sr



Further info: conventionofstates.com (from Article 5 US Constitution – Amending the Constitution by WTP through their states). Over half (19/35 required) states have passed, 7 states have passed in one chamber, 12 States have active legislation. Closest we’ve come to COS is for repeal of prohibition (21st Amendment which I believe spurred Congress to repeal because they’ve always feared the states/ WTP realizing their power over Congress by the Art V Convention of States).

Michael Paul Skok

They must have a lot of voter fraud up there in Canada just as we have down here. How else can Trudeau stay in power?

Gerald Ladd

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it.


response to “lizzardman”

The patriot

We were warned but the left wing radical wing nuts and mr dominion voted for creepy joe

Charles Covington Sr

Justin Trudeau is Fidel’s Castros off spring,

David Stempien

That’s why he’s known as Justin Castreau!


Justin Trudeau is DONE


I keep waiting for the American people to join forces and do the same. This is exactly why Americans will never be disarmed. The left will miss their freedoms as much as the right when they no longer have it. And we also know the left will never give up their arms either


Canadians, as well as U.S. citizens, may wish to participate in the ultimate solution to all of this. It’s in the book Word from Future, and it will be a big deal.


justin treudeau is the son of Fidel Castro, you know what that means… and you know that he was ‘placed’ in his position by the deep state….
