What Happened to Joe? Viewers Notice Nasty Bruise on Biden During Address

In the latest episode of “What’s Happening in Washington,” Joe Biden delivered an Oval Office address Wednesday night regarding his unexpected decision to bow out of the 2024 presidential race. But it wasn’t just his words that had viewers buzzing—many noticed something more visually striking: an apparent bruise on the left side of Biden’s jaw. Viewers immediately took to social media to share their observations, questioning the origin of this mysterious mark.

Photos and video show a darker patch of skin on Biden’s left jawline, seemingly resistant to the skin bronzer attempting to mask it. The room’s even lighting did nothing to hide the discoloration, leaving many to speculate about its cause. Was it a minor accident? A side effect of a medical treatment? Or perhaps a close encounter with the Resolute Desk? The possibilities seem endless in the world of political drama.

The intrigue didn’t stop there. New York Times photographer Doug Mills captured a photo of President Trump watching Biden’s speech aboard Trump Force One after a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. Even in this snapshot, the bruise was noticeable. It’s almost as if the bruise itself was vying for airtime.

Conservative activist Robby Starbuck wasted no time in voicing his curiosity: “So, is the White House going to explain the big bruise on Biden’s lower jaw or pretend it doesn’t exist? I’m betting they pretend it doesn’t exist.” Laura Loomer chimed in, “What is the bruise on Biden’s chin from?”

To add another layer to this already rich narrative, photos taken just a day earlier showed Biden arriving at Joint Base Andrews after a six-day retreat in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, following a bout with COVID. Interestingly, these photos did not show any signs of the bruise, raising even more questions.

As we wait for answers, one thing is clear: the political landscape is never short on suspense. Whether it’s policy decisions or facial bruises, every detail can become a focal point in the ongoing saga of American politics.

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Obama slugged him.


hahaha ya, that is what I was hoping as well ( or perhaps a disgruntled American) lol.


Bammy isn’t an American


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Last edited 7 months ago by Alena
Aaron Ollis

He fell off the toilet!


Even the jaw looks swollen, I did read the other day that there was a medical emergency while he was in Nevada and that they flew him back faster than ever that he had a small TIA. Now we all know that Washington isn’t going to say anything just more lies and coverups. But I have read this a couple different times


jill slugged him for quitting the election. she want to keep the power


She is evil, but so is Joe, they look good on each other……


That is elder abuse if he got slugged. That should be looked into no one having a disease like he has deserves. Investigate if you do or don’t agree with his policies he is still our president and should not be treated in this manner.


As many times as we have seen him fall, why is it a surprise he has a bruise?


Or, someone took him behind the high school gym. Parkinson’s makes the patient fall.
