Top Trump VP Prospect Out of the Running, ‘No Shot’

In what could only be described as the plot twist of the political season, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, once a shining star in the constellation of Vice Presidential hopefuls for Donald Trump’s return bid, finds herself on the outs. And the reason? Well, folks, it’s a doozy. It seems that the Governor’s literary debut, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” has caused quite the stir, but not for reasons she might have hoped.

The book, which was intended to cast Noem in the rugged light of a decision-maker unafraid to pull the trigger (literally) on tough choices, instead backfired spectacularly. Among tales of rural life and political musings, Noem recounts a rather unsettling story about putting down a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer named Cricket. This dog, who had succumbed to his baser instincts and killed a neighbor’s chicken, was deemed “untrainable” and met his fate at the end of Noem’s gun in a gravel pit.

Now, anyone who’s been around the political block knows that Americans love their dogs. We’re talking “man’s best friend,” featured in heartwarming movies, saving Timmy from the well, and all that jazz. To many, this tale from Noem didn’t showcase the decisiveness intended but struck a chord of outrage. It seems there’s an unspoken rule in politics: You can mess with taxes, but don’t you dare mess with Fido.

Sources close to Trump, speaking with the New York Post, shared that this revelation did Noem no favors. Despite her being an unlikely choice for VP, she had a shot. But post-publication? “It’s just impossible,” said one source. Another ally drew parallels to Mitt Romney’s 2012 “dog-on-the-roof” debacle, hinting at the political suicide of alienating dog lovers.

Trump himself, who is not exactly known as a dog person, seems to understand the unwritten rule of American politics better than Noem. While personal feelings towards the Governor remain positive, the “dog story” has undoubtedly cast a pall over her chances.

Noem’s defense of her actions, citing South Dakota law and previous aggressive behavior from Cricket, hasn’t done much to quell the storm. Her insistence on the necessity of her decision mirrors her political stance of making hard choices for the greater good. Yet, this episode has left many wondering if some decisions are better left untold, especially in the memoir of a potential Vice Presidential candidate.

In the grand scheme of Trump’s 2024 campaign, the VP shortlist reads like a who’s who of conservative heavyweights. Names like Tucker Carlson, recommended by Melania Trump, J.D. Vance, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Kari Lake make the rounds, each bringing their own brand of political firepower. Yet, in this saga of governance and gunpowder, Noem’s narrative has inadvertently shot her prospects squarely in the foot.

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So she shot her dog for eating a chicken. She did what was needed before it chewed on a person.


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Last edited 8 months ago by Julia

The author is WRONG about why she put down the dog. Had it only been a chicken the dog attacked it would have been a simple matter of keeping the dog tied up unless it was hunting. The dog had attacked people biting some. Noem did not only what had to be done but what any law enforcement officer would have demanded be done with the dog. A dog that attacks humans is a deadly weapon in some states and there is only one thing to do put the dog down. Had she done as the WHINY IGNORANT LIBERALS attacking her then she would have been locked up, the dog would be dead, and someone would have been hurt badly or dead themselves. So while her action might seem cruel it was in FACT needed.

Clyde Webb

Let me understand this. Biden’s dog bit 22 secret service officers and the dog goes into retirement still alive. What am I missing here?

Wyatt Earp

As far as I can see SHE THE BEST PICK! Don’t care what a leftist journalist writes! ONLY COWARD DON’T BACK UP THEIR STORY!


The same ‘folks’ who are foaming at the mouth about this are the same ‘folks’ who champion late term abortions.

James Mercogliano

Your right Peter they are more concerned about the life of an animal then the life of a beautiful new born baby and that is a Sin.

Edward Schilling

I agree Peter, a dog that is aggressive and has potential to be a threat is not good for anyone. I also agree about these bleeding hearts care more about an animal than they do for a BABY.


They are not concerned about anyone or thing, just distract, and disrupt!

Stephen Russell

Go Scott Go

Susan Ifland

She is an evil person! You don’t shoot a puppy because it wont hunt, you rehome or give it to a rescue!


Interesting, I had a Docile Saint Bernard that never left the front porch, and let every cat lay on him in the winter cold. We also had a Goat that got aggressive with our new Boxer Puppy. Reggie, (the ST Bernard) Warned the goat 3 times (on separate days)by taking the goat down, and putting his mouth over the goats throat.The goat just wouldn’t listen, so the next time Reggie took a 4″x8″ chunk out of the goats side, I contacted Humane Society and was told they could not be trusted any longer as a pet and would put him down. The goat got maggots, That is Natural life in the country, experienced by most since the beginning!If a dog spoils a hunt it is useless for that purpose, if it eats a Chicken, and bites a human also, the dog dies! All these comments condemning the actions taken are politically motivated, or should seek animal handlers for the truth!


This is just another hack job from the left don’t be alarmed these are the same people who condemn her who think you can nice your enemies into submission.
She has what it takes make no mistake about it. BALLS!
