Schifty Can’t Handle the Truth from Jan. 6

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) recently fulfilled his pledge to make public the entire 14,000 hours of video footage taken on the day of the Jan. 6 Capitol protest This is in stark contrast to what Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wanted and has caused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to panic.

McCarthy released the footage to Tucker Carlson and his team for review, and according to Carlson, there was never any reason to withhold this information from the public…and I agree. As a result, portions of the videos will begin airing in the coming weeks. When discussing McCarthy’s commitment to transparency, Carlson said “If there was ever a question that’s in the public’s interest to know, it’s what actually happened on January 6…It’s impossible for me to understand why any honest person would be bothered by that.”

Schiff was clearly irritated at McCarthy’s decision and took to Twitter with a statement saying, “Kevin McCarthy turned over Jan 6 videos to right-wing propagandist Tucker Carlson,” Schiff huffed. “A man who spews Kremlin talking points. Suggests Jan 6 was a false flag. And spreads the Big Lie. Make no mistake: This isn’t about transparency, it’s about fueling dangerous conspiracy theories.” In other words, Schiff is attempting distract from the potential truth being revealed by claiming it is all part of a dangerous conspiracy theory.

What could Pelosi and Schiff be so desperate to hide? Their attempts at spinning the narrative can’t change reality as bad as they would like it to. This much was made clear when McCarthy made good on his promise, turning Schiff’s worst nightmare into reality. Americans are now able to see firsthand exactly what happened on January 6 and no amount of spin can change that.

We’ve already been seeing some new videos being released and I bet that the best is still yet to come.

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Americans will be saved when liarticians fear for thier lives. This applies to judges equally
At this rate of criminal politician activity it is the only way


Washington dc is full of criminals and snakes!!




The TRUTH is not in his “NEWS” playhouse.


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Sociopaths always believe their own lies, it’s a trait.
The tapes were NOT released to the public, Fox News cannot be trusted either.


Fox is the ONLY cable news channel that can be trusted.


Speaker McCarthy did the absolute right thing when he he handed tapes to Tucker Carlson. There is no one better to uncover the truth. Tucker is a master when exposing the truth.
Democrats must be making all sorts of plans to dodge, run for cover, lie and weasel themselves out of all the crimes they committed surrounding J6 incident.


McCarthy should turn the videos over to Judicial Watch and others who have submitted “Freedom of Information Act” (FOIA) requests. That’s what should happen with a (FOIA) request. Those cops better lawyer up. Lots of lawyers are going to get rich and hopefully a few crooks will get a stint behind bars.
