Russia Takes Decisive Action Against Immigrants Following Recent Terrorism Attack

In a world where the only thing more secure than Fort Knox should be a country’s borders, we’ve got ourselves a head-scratcher of a situation, people. It seems like every time I turn on the news or scroll through social media, there’s another heated debate about immigration policies. And let’s not even get started on the Joe Biden administration’s approach to the whole shebang. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a quick detour to Russia, where Vladimir Putin is playing no games when it comes to protecting his turf.

According to a recent report, Russia’s kicked off what they’re calling “Operation Anti-Migrant,” which sounds like something straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. In the wake of a concert massacre in Moscow, Putin’s administration has put its foot down, initiating a mass deportation of Muslims in a bid to tighten national security.

Now, here’s where things get spicy. As we sit back and watch Russia take a firm stance on immigration, some folks can’t help but wonder: Should Uncle Sam be taking notes? With the Biden administration seemingly rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, the contrast couldn’t be starker. It’s like comparing a bouncer at a nightclub to a Walmart greeter — one’s clearly not messing around, while the other is all smiles and welcomes.

Biden’s policies argue that America’s open border approach is nothing short of an engraved invitation to chaos. Many are pointing to Putin’s decisive action as an example of strong leadership, something they believe is sorely lacking in the White House. Sure, comparing the U.S. to Russia is like comparing apples to vodka — vastly different contexts and histories. But the underlying sentiment is clear: People are craving security and order.

But here’s the kicker — adopting a Putin-esque strategy in the land of the free and home of the brave is a slippery slope. Yes, America’s immigration system is as broken as a cracked iPhone screen, but the answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all deportation bonanza. What we need is a balanced approach that tightens security while respecting human rights and the rich tapestry of cultures that make the U.S. what it is.

So, should the U.S. follow Russia’s lead and start handing out one-way tickets outta town? Not exactly. What America needs is not a copy-paste of Putin’s playbook but a hard look at its own policies. It’s time to fix the leaks without sinking the ship — and that means leadership that’s both tough and fair. Because at the end of the day, the goal isn’t just to protect borders; it’s to uphold the values that make us proud to wave the star-spangled banner.

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there should be no illegals allowed at any time, until they get vetted and screened to the max. no info=no entry ever. and if they try sneaking in, immediate execution.


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check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

No ! No ! George. You’d be taking away Biden’s “new” voters. How do you expect him to “win” election in November if illegals/neighbors/newcomers are deported? All he’ll have left is the fraud called Ballot Harvesting for another “White House victory.”


Muslimism and middle age societies are not compatible with western civilization.
What goes around comes around.


WALTER: You’re 100% CORRECT. Immigrants must adhere to OUR culture, not TAKE OVER OUR culture with theirs. If immigrants don’t want to do this, they need to stay in their OWN COUNTRIES!! As they say: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” Saudi Arabia does NOT put up with foreigners doing as they please — you follow THEIR rules/laws or get OUT or you go to JAIL for a long long time!!


Every sovereign nation has a right to protect itself and it’s people by securing it’s borders and determining who can enter or live in their country. That is called self-preservation. America needs to follow that practice.

Chuck Price

I say we close the border until we throw out the ones Biden has let run into the Country, they have no right to be here.

The Rebel

The entire worthless US Congress is just as much at fault on immigration issues as is the whole Jose Bidumb Circus !!!


I say we close the border until we throw Biden and the illegals.


The answer is a one-size-fits-all deportation bonanza.

There I fixed it!


We need to close the southern border, deport all illegals and the Biden administration with them.

Mark Hansen

Please stop saying our immigration system is broken. It’s just that existing immigration laws are being violated by the federal government.


This article is a lot of liberal crap, All those border jumping illegals should be sent back to where ever they came from without exception.
