Ronald Reagan’s Son Shares His Father’s Thoughts About Biden…You Won’t Believe This

President Ronald Reagan’s son Michael recently uncovered a significant fact about Joe Biden. During Reagan’s two terms as president, Biden allegedly threatened the former president that he would leak any covert action that Reagan had planned to the media if he disagreed with the decision. When discussing this situation, Michael stated “After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen. Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it.”

It is important to note that in June of 1987, Ronald Reagan gave one of his most famous speeches, famously demanding Mikhail Gorbachev “tear down this wall!” Three days after his address, Reagan wrote in his diary that Sen. Biden was a “demagogue” who was attempting to “save Am[erica] from the Reagan doctrine.”

“[There was] some talk about Sen. Biden — now candidate for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy school at Harvard U. He’s smooth but pure demagog[ue] — out to save Am[erica] from the Reagan doctrine.”

Not only did Biden strongly oppose Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars), which sought to eliminate nuclear weapons due to their immoral nature, but The Washington Post also questioned whether Biden was fit for higher office after seeing how intensely he treated nominee Robert Bork when Reagan nominated him for Supreme Court Justice in 1986. At the time, Ted Kennedy and Howard Metzenbaum were backing up Biden in what President Reagan referred to as a “lynch mob.”

The above facts demonstrate why it is clear which figure is better suited for leading America over the next years: Ronald Regan or Joe Biden? After looking at their respective histories and interactions with each other, it seems obvious who should be occupying the White House going forward.

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WOKE Curriculums Caused This

I agree, Reagan WOULD be a better President, “going forward”.


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Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

Biden…a snake then, a snake now.

Mickey the Smickey

Like a snake oil salesman!

Robert Richey

Biden is a lot lower than any snake could ever be.


The first recorded “demonic possession” was Satan himself possessing a snake in the Garden of Eden.


The Phedophile In Pampers. Worthy of nothing less than a traitor’s shortened life sentence.


Biden was a crook even before he was a politician. Plagiarizing was his modes operando then. His intent to sell America to the Chines deserves immediate attention. It’s time to throw him in prison and cut off his money sources. In fact the whole Biden Crime Family deserves to be in prison. We have so many facts what are we waiting for?


Well Biden is consistent, consistently wrong.

David Moscovic

How can half the population of America support this guy as President? Catholics-he aggressively supports abortions at any time. Conservative Rational thinking Democrats—-he is spending our hard earned money like a wild man—-Most everyone else—-the guy has become a millionaire while in office.


Davd Moscovic: Easy- When “half” mails in unsolicited ballots to Dominion vote machines to count; but you, and 99% of rational citizens, aleady knew that (including the 40% that actually DID vote for their party’s choice for installation).

K Sny

There was NO REAL investigation into any of the irregularities in the 2020 election
or in some states in the 2022 elections. Even Republican appointed Judges knocked down any investigation saying there was no fraud. If you don’t investigate how do you
know it there was or was not fraud?


If one doesn’t believe the video evidence, then what will one believe?


Hilarious Dems do t believe in God but they believe voting can’t be fraudulent


Easily when they’re after all the freebies offered by the Demonrats.

Patricia Overbey

A millionaire alright by selling the USA down the tubes to the highest bidder. God help the USA.


Yes the illegal man in America’s highest office, biden sold his country men and women out for $0.13 cents per American citizen. That’s a true and accurate figure, not including money we do not know about yet


There are many ignorant people in the world and most of them are Democrats.


yeah, but it seems that most of them are extremely wealthy!

sonny fridley

And MOST of them GOT THERE on the backs of the taxpayers and 50% of them
VOTED for this stuff. Every dem voter should STARVE TO DEATH.


They are not ignorant, they are stupid.
Ignorance is curable with education but they refuse to educate themselves and that is stupidity. Stupidity is terminal.


David you seem to be forgetting that not only does the Holy Spirit control the mind ,the power of the evil one also controls the mind of those that follow him.


God gave man the freedom of choice. God does not control the thoughts and actions of man


We live in a nation where 87 percent own Bibles and yet only 10 percent has read these Bibles in its entirety. Therein lies our problem. Therefore, Timothy I 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

sonny fridley

It doesn’t do any good to have an instruction book (the Bible) if you don’t


mmk: You’re right about God but the Evil Devil does control the minds of ones who “follow” him. Man does not create Evil — Evil finds their own weak followers who want to follow Evil.


Does anyone with the ability to get a score of 10 or above on a IQ test really believe this racist pervert got 81 million votes? It’s easier to believe the world is flat, the moon is made of cheese, or Kamela built a career on anything other than the backseat of Willie Brown’s limo.


excellent observation, Pop .!!!


I do not believe there are ANY Conservative Rational Thinking Democrats anywhere and certainly Not in this Government! I actually voted for a democrat ONCE, his name was Jimmy Carter and he was a Mistake!

LaRayne Stepp

Sadly, so did I (vote for Carter) and I’ve regretted it for the rest of my life. I like to believe it was because I was so young and naive, and I definitely haven’t made that type of mistake since. And, I certainly didn’t vote for Biden!


Jimmy Carter was not intellectually equipped enough to be President but he was not an evil man, just clueless. Biden is an evil man.


Joe Biden has been and always will be the bad apple that spoiled the entire bushel. A pompous, condescending self serving bloviator. 🙄


Sleepy Joe is in the Whitehouse because too many Americans are just dumb as a fence post!!!!!!👎👎👎👎👎👎


Actually, after voting was CLOSED and the Republicans were ahead everywhere, they were told to leave. While the ‘other party’ stayed behind closed doors, counted to see how many votes they were behind, reached under tables, into closets, even went out to cars to come up with just the number of ‘votes’ that were needed…, yuckidy, yuckidy, yuck, etc…. Well, you saw it on the same tapes that we all did, the ones the SUBpreme court refused to see, so I need go no further.


We need people willing to stand up to the dems at the ballot box. The law lays out the way poll watchers are to conduct bisness but they will led the dems run them out of town.Go figure.

Terese Russo

Remember he WASNT elected.


We can’t know if this is true, but it sure sounds like Biden.


You think Reagan would lie in his diary? Why would he?


Biden is a threat to nation security.


Well if you think the dems stole the last one which they did just hide and watch the next one.

Cecelia Henderson

Biden hates the people. He does everything he can to cripple and disable us. He wants our guns, freedoms and worship. He will have none of them.


Hopefully he meets his maker soon before he fully destroys America.


I’m thinking that he WON’T enjoy that meeting!!

Duke Falcon

Reagan was as usual correct.


Biden was corrupt and evil then and is totally corrupt and evil now. His entire family falls into this category.


Anyone would be better than Biden as president.

Richard Palumbo

That’s why the new 2024 Democrat dream team would be a Feinstein/Fetterman ticket.

April "S"

Both of them are in such ill health, they’ll be unable to carry out their duties. This makes it easy for them to be manipulated by unscrupulous handlers, as seen with Resident Biden.


Correct!! My poodle would be a better choice!!

Even in his current state, Ronald Reagan is a FAR better leader than Joseph Robinette Biden will ever be!

Stephen Russell

Mobster then & now

Rebecca Holstine

Joe Biden has always been a liar. Check his history…He has always been dumb as a rock. Check his history. He has always been corrupt. His history proves that. And before the election most of us knew he had dementia. He was hand picked by Obama to be the puppet for Obama’s third term to ruin this country. Ole Joe isn’t running this country, he isn’t running himself. And the voters that did vote for him, should hang their heads in shame at what they are part of in doing to the country and the people. The part that makes me laugh, they are included in the ruination, and they are still too dumb to know it.


Too afraid to admit that they made a mistake.


President Reagan was and would be a better fit, and actually a better president, than 98% than all that have been in office. We could sure use him now!


Joe Biden has No Redeeming Qualities….NONE! It appears that this applies to his “family” also! Sad but True! The American People should not feel Sorry for him, only Contempt! He Never was nor Ever will be a Great American in any Way, Shape or Form. The Sooner he and the democrats are Gone the Better!

Bo long

that why we need to stop VOTING those careers POLITICIANS in the OFFICES. They staying power too long they become corrupt.

Happy Warrior

As usual, Biden was wrong about this also.


Obama chose Joe Biden for Vice President so Obama never had to worry about impeachment. Who would ever want Joe?

James Moegan

From the sounds of Joe Biden back then tells me was a Rhino power player just like Mitch McConnell is today. Party means nothing to either one, just absolute power for themselves.


Biden is out to enrich himself and family at the expense and security of our country! That is evil and traitorous! He has always been that way and a snake can’t change its nature.


Let’s face it Biden was an imbecile from the very beginning of his career and we are now paying a very high price for continuing to put this imebcile in office!!!!!!

al campagnone

Biden has been a total failure as President. The worst ever to hold the office.


Joke Biden the man(?) never had a real job. A crook!


Yes, Dementia Joe certainly is a snake. And then there’s Kamala. Right now, she’s pushing progressive prosecuters and they’re going to use our tax dollars to pay college students to get voters registered. She even called them non-partisan. What a joke. And Joe visits a barely used portion of the border while bashing anyone that doesn’t believe in their perceived climate crisis. Lord Help Us All.

Tony Bell

America has proven it’s ignorance and ease of being deceived when they put Biden in the Whitehouse, after years of Biden history in government proved his incompetence and anti-American stand. Shame on everyone that ever voted for Biden. This disaster is on you.


Thank you Mike for this insight, but I wasn’t surprised to learn this about the ignorant Wretch called Biden!

Happy Warrior

This is just a very small part of the fact that Biden has NEVER been correct about any foreign affairs stanch in over 40 years of taking the taxpayers money. As Obama famously said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up”!


I did vote for President Reagan. I have never likes Biden.
