Religious Zealots/Protesters Take Over Easter Church Service In NYC

In an eye-opening display of what can only be described as misplaced fervor, a group of pro-Palestine protesters, apparently confusing religious zealotry with political activism, decided that an Easter vigil at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City was the perfect venue for their latest spectacle. Armed with banners and charged with a humanistic blind loyalty to Palestine, they barged into a service chanting “free, free Palestine,” disrupting a moment meant for reflection and peace with their own brand of chaos.

Now, let’s get this straight. Protesting is as American as apple pie, and voicing dissent is a cornerstone of democracy. But there’s a time and a place, people. Easter, a day of immense importance to Christians around the globe, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is hardly the moment to hijack for political statements, no matter how passionately one feels about the issue.

The protesters, some affiliated with the climate change group Extinction Rebellion NYC’s Palestinian Solidarity group, unveiled a sign proclaiming “SILENCE=DEATH” before being escorted out by a group of churchgoers who were there to observe the sacred tradition, not to become unwilling participants in a political theater. This act raises questions not just about the timing and location chosen for the protest but about the nature of activism itself. When does a cause cross the line from being a noble pursuit to becoming an obsession that blinds its followers to basic considerations of respect and decency?

The irony of the situation is palpable. On a day symbolizing hope and renewal, these self-styled activists chose division and disruption. It’s as if the concept of sacred space and time has become so alien that nothing is off-limits anymore. This isn’t just about being pro-Palestine or anti-anything; it’s about understanding that there are moments and places where political grievances should take a backseat to human decency and respect for others’ beliefs and traditions.

Thousands have suffered on both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict, a tragedy that deserves attention and resolution. However, the actions of these protesters at St. Patrick’s Cathedral do little to advance the cause of peace in the Middle East. Instead, they exemplify a troubling trend where religious zealotry—albeit of a secular variety—trumps common sense and respect for others. It’s a stark reminder that when activism morphs into fanaticism, it loses its moral compass, leaving us all the poorer for it.

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Democrats sure how to get “support” for their causes like protesting FOR terrorists!


Terrorism is in the dems DNA!!!


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

Crucify them.


I was not there but if I were I would have walked out and gone home. I would not stay to listen to that garbage.

Captain Blasto

Are you talking about the “protest” or Dolan’s sermon?


idiots come in all shapes and colors and mostly democrats

Ron C

So did the preachers bend over for the ignorant disrupters!


Satan is running the country! Biden is just a stooge.

Last edited 11 months ago by Frick

The measures taken to. stop these kind of intrusions are not effective enough.
See what would happen if an intrusion happened in a mosque.

Tom R.

It is now time to take America back. You interrupt a religious service your get forcibly taken out on you own or in a bag. Times is over. I will no longer stand by an watch my beloved country destroyed.


Were they thown out or did the sheep stay on their knees?


NO & yes. Why I do NOT live or even want to visit NYC….. yankee & terrorist trash


YOU will be treated as insignificant and irrelevant until YOU can prove otherwise. Amerika has gone from the Greatest generation, to a cowardly abomination in 60 short years. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo (AKA: the FIBbers in the Hoover bldg.)


If a Christian voices disagreement or states opposition to anything Muslim they might well suffer arrest and even fines and imprisonment. It is time to react to the phony Palistinian argument that denies the existence of Israel when actually it is Palistine that never was.

Stephen Russell

Least some broke into Bidens fundraiser too


hamas in a church, wow,
