Putin Shares His Thoughts on the Tucker Carlson Interview

Following the interview Tucker Carlson did with Vladimir Putin, Putin shared his thoughts on the two-hour long excursion. “To be honest, I thought he would be more aggressive and ask tough questions,” Putin admitted, clearly disappointed with the lack of verbal jousting. “I was just not prepared for that. I wanted that because it would have given me the opportunity to respond sharply.”

Seems like he was itching for a verbal sparring match, only to find himself in a history lesson instead. But hey, who doesn’t enjoy a good trip down memory lane, right? During the interview, Putin took Carlson on a grand tour of Eastern European history, dating back to the Middle Ages. Thirty minutes of history lesson later (which left viewers as surprised as a cat in a bathtub), the two finally got around to discussing current affairs.

They touched upon Ukraine, a detained Wall Street Journal reporter, the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, and Bill Clinton’s stubborn refusal to let Russia join NATO. “He attempted to interrupt me several times, yet surprisingly, for a Western journalist, he proved patient,” Putin noted. Gotta hand it to Tucker, patience is a virtue.

“He didn’t give me a chance to do what I was prepared for,” Putin mused. Oh, the horror! The man came prepared for a fight and all he got was a friendly chat. Poor thing. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t fully enjoy the interview. Putin also had something to say about the upcoming 2024 U.S. Election. If you’re expecting him to root for a Trump return, think again. He actually thinks a Biden victory would be better for Russia.

“He is more experienced, more predictable. He is an old school politician,” Putin said of Biden. Well, well, well, looks like someone’s got a soft spot for the ‘old school’. But don’t get too comfortable, folks. He was quick to add, “But we will work with any U.S. president who the American people have confidence in.”

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Last edited 11 months ago by Julia
Ron C

Putin would have enjoyed Chris Wallace much more, because they have a lot more in common. Chris prefers communism and he can’t keep himself, from cutting people off half sentence!
