Pelosi Goes Down! Caught In J6 Lie That Will Destroy Her Legacy

Never in the 233-year history of the United States of America has there ever been a spectacle so absurdly biased as the January 6 commission. The Nancy Pelosi-orchestrated commission is a total sham. The entire premise behind January 6 is a sham.

Democrats have leveraged a protest gone awry into a full-blown persecution of conservative Americans. Now that the Democrats have closed the book on its “made-for-TV” fabrication, the truth about what happened is becoming clearer.

As Republicans have now taken back control of Capitol Hill, investigations into what really happened that fateful day are finally taking place. Until then, this scam commission tries to push its single goal, slander and defame President Donald Trump.

But in their efforts to discredit the popular former president, they may have sealed their own fates. The foundations of the commission’s arguments, arguments that deny any right to rebuttal, are that President Trump is responsible for the violence.

He was not. There is evidence of President Trump encouraging his supporters to disperse peacefully. But for some strange reason, the situation erupted. The commission has ignored evidence that federal agents actually helped to incite violence.

But there clearly could have never been any violence at all. President Trump knew in advance that millions of Americans were angry. Voters watched as Democrats stole the presidential election from President Trump. They were rightfully mad.

With the level of anger in the air, President Trump wanted to take steps to ensure the protesters remained peaceful. His plan would have totally prevented protest infiltrators from inciting violence. He offered Nancy Pelosi the services of the National Guard.

Nancy Pelosi had the sole right to accept or refuse this help. She knew exactly what she was doing. Nancy Pelosi and her liberal co-conspirators didn’t want to prevent the protests from turning violent. In fact, they had strategically placed operatives to make sure it happened.

Why would Pelosi and the Democrats need to lie about this? What motivation could Democrats have for preventing the National Guard from securing the Capitol? The presence of troops would have essentially guaranteed that the violence would never have happened.

Why did the upper leadership of the Democrat Party want violence? By offering thousands of National Guard troops, President Trump clearly did not want violence. Knowing this fact says everything about the Democrats’ insistence that President Trump is somehow responsible.

The President of the United States offered the necessary preventive measures against any potential violence. Nancy Pelosi flat out rejected his offer. It was refused because violence was the plan all along. That’s why Nancy Pelosi refused the help. She is directly responsible.

She and her radical liberals didn’t want to hinder the violence. They wanted to create a spectacle that they could use as a weapon against President Trump. But voters have a weapon as well. Patriotic Americans must use the weapon of their vote.

We are in a fight to save our great nation. If we do not take back our country through our democratic right to elect our leaders, Americans will be forced to fight a far more dangerous type of battle to save democracy. There is no room for error. Every vote must count.

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It would be nice if Pelosi and her gang are prosecuted but tat we will never see because those who have the authority to do it won’t! So, justice is swept under the rug and the lying criminals walk free. Corruption in government will never be abolished.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Sara
Ultra MAGA supporter

“But voters have a weapon as well. Patriotic Americans must use the weapon of their vote.” That is what this protest was all about in the first place. Unless we can get a free and fair election, this country is headed towards socialism and or communism.

Paul Austin

If voting ‘machinery’ is corrupted……..the vote is corrupted. NOW what do w3 do?


Totally agree! We may have the power of the vote but that gets us nowhere since apparently our votes will be stolen. Why bother to vote when nothing has been done to correct that situation? Makes me wonder what’s really going on here.


Be sure machinery is checked before any and every use and guarded after chek so no one can compromise it.

Gerald Ladd keep believing that!

Gerald Ladd

DemonRATS have their perfected voter fraud on their side.


what good does voting do when they can ‘steal’ with abandon and never pay for stealing our votes???? when do we get reparations for a ‘stolen vote’???


Democrats have put into effect Joe Stalin’s admonition that it is not who votes that matters but who counts the votes.


The communist now own 90% of the democrat party and 40% of the republican party. So much for the oath of office.

Jon Mullins

Her legacy of being a traitor to America no way she can get away from it now hmmmm!????.?


Will this eliminate the building renamed after her on the left coast?

CPO Bill

Lies like a typical demorat!


Find out where all the Dominion machines are stored, then tell the terrorists at antifa the machines have hidden votes, for Republicans, hidden in them. Then hand them the gas can and a match then they will go burn the warehouses to the ground! problem solved for the next election!


Yes but they can still use dead votes Nursing home votes and the overnight cheaters!


All Pelosi had to do was call in her trusted friends in ANTIFA AND BLM and deny any extra help from the military or national guard and the rest is history. J6 turned into one hot mess.


Yes and that is exactly what happened, peaceful protestors were arrested and Pelosis thugs riioed and were set free her guards were instructed by her what to do!


The REVOLUTION will be televised, but you won’t be allowed to see it because the democrats will not allow the public to view it.

Last edited 2 years ago by My2Cents

has anyone who took the rights of American citizens away been prosecuted for Jan 6??


so?? what is the holdup?? is pelosi in jail yet??


Pelosi will never get what she deserves, that woman carried so much vestural and hate toward people that she should go down in history as one of the evilest people to ever hold that high of a position in the government. She couldn’t outfox Donald though. He was always 2 steps ahead of her and she could never get to his level. It made her mad, the last chance Nancy tried to stack a subcommittee with all democrats manufacture evidence, bring people in as witnesses that would only tell her side of the story, wouldn’t allow cross examinations of the witnesses, in other words she ran a Nancy Pelosi style Kangaroo court. It would be justifying to see her and everyone on that panel banned from holding public office EVER


That is how it should be I can keep praying this happens!

Arthur J

if you still believe that our elections are honest come to Bayside Flushing NYC. There are million of non-Americans voting and making laws with the blessings the LIBERAL socialist Democratic & Republican machines


The plotting and scheming that Pelosi and 99% of Democrats are forehead deep in will eventually destroy this country. There is no way to stop an eventual civil war when people are constantly cheated out of their vote by arrogant, elitist leftists, who gloat over getting away with such obvious cheating, while attacking and criminalizing anyone trying to bring their cheating to an end. Another Peasants’ Revolt is at hand.

Robert Anthony

These Politicians are NOT our Leaders!!! They are our EMPLOYEES!!! They should have no authority over us, they are our hired servants! They do what ever they want including voting themselves raises when that should be up to the voters! They act as if they are supposed to be rulers to rule over us when they are our servants, and should be and need to be reminded that they are nothing more than the hired help and can be replaced!

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert Anthony

For anyone paying attention and not predisposed it was obvious that there were agitators imbedded in the in the crowd to cause agitation and and stir up trouble. Even so, the situation did not reach the level of a Portland riot, much less meet the standards of an insurrection. It was mostly a peaceful protest that got out of hand.


She needs jail time all benefits revoked immediately NO retirement NO nothing, she has stole from the American Taxpayers all her crooked years, we need laws to Fire any politicians that do wrong with all benefits revoked immediately including security clearance, and we need to stop retirement,healthcare, on taxpayers money, they can pay and save like we have to then the government steals that to it must be stopped, go back to it being an honor not money to serve

Home Builder

Why is it that every time I mention the stolen election, my comments are removed?


Democrats control news media just like they control everything else


If they don’t do away with the voting machines democrats will remain in office an will win every election. The machines are programed to flip votes. An they are connected to the internet. But they aren’t suppose to be.


But WHEN will Pelosi be indicted for being behind the 1/6 event and then using taxpayer money to run “hearings” to cover it up?
And why no action on her insider trading? Martha would also like to know.

Barbara j Yano

Justice will come to the Queen of Evil one way or another!


Nancy and Chucky were souly responsible. To bad we do not have a law inforcement agency to investigate.

Alabaster Mcgillicuddy

Hopefully, Nancy’s legacy as a not to be trusted Democrat political hack won’t be destroyed


This is not new news. It’s been known for at least 2 years.
