New Video Surfaces Leaving Biden Team Furious and GOP Laughing

Elected leaders make dumb statements. Sometimes these comments are forgivable mistakes. Other times, people are left scratching their heads over how someone with such authority could say something so ignorant or so obviously untrue.

Even more disturbing is the notion that these men and women aren’t simply misspeaking. They’re flat out lying. Many of the statements call our elected leaders’ intelligence and moral fiber into serious question.

As presidents go, Joe Biden is quickly climbing this unflattering list, on his way to becoming the all-time leader in boneheaded presidential remarks. Picking out 10 or 15 stupid, outlandish lies told by Joe Biden is easy. Listing them according to their level of outlandishness is harder.

Certainly, ranking well up the list would be when Biden falsely claimed to have been an outstanding student at Syracuse University College of Law. Biden was anything but a good student. His rank wasn’t in the top half. Joe Biden was close to “the worst student” in his class.

That proclamation is more than just a slight embellishment of the facts. That’s a bald-faced lie. But that’s just the tip of Joe’s iceberg when it comes to lying. Clueless Joe said he was arrested while protesting in South Africa. He wasn’t.

Biden never visited a synagogue in Pittsburgh, as he claimed. But Biden’s lies have been at the forefront of his presidency. He and his clan of border clowns say that the U.S. southern border is secure. According to Biden, he has the southern border under control.

One 60-second video of thousands of illegal migrants waltzing across the border proves that statement to be a lie. Biden said that inflation was “transitory.” Now, nearly two years into the worst inflation crisis in four decades, that statement was a lie as well.

This clown once said he was raised by Puerto Ricans, his son died in Iraq, and he never talked to his son Hunter about his crooked business schemes. Biden wasn’t. His deceased son Beau didn’t. But Joe sure did “talk to Hunter about the crooked Biden family business scams.”

Watching gas prices skyrocket because of his policies, Biden said, “down from over $5 when I took office.” That’s the wrong answer, Joe. Gas prices when Biden stole his way into the White House were barely over $2 a gallon. Even “fake news” CNN knows that’s a lie.

Biden claimed that he traveled nearly 20,000 miles with Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping. Not even close, Joe. Biden has made so many ignorant and untrue statements that it’s virtually impossible to keep track.

Maybe that’s why the spineless mainstream media keeps giving him a free pass on his lies. Or perhaps they’re ordered to purposefully ignore the lies or distort the truth. It begs the question, “Why do the majority of politicians lie,” at least to some degree?

It’s virtually impossible to find an elected official who hasn’t, at a minimum, distorted a fact or embellished a story. Furthermore, it’s as if politicians have some genetic propensity for telling lies. Why do Americans continue to vote for such people of low moral fiber?

Is there ever going to come a time when voters reject candidates who refuse to tell the truth? One would assume that citizens would want the most honest among them in positions of authority. But a huge degree of responsibility rests with the corrupt mainstream media.

Often, they fail to cover half the lies and senseless statements. The rest of the time, they run cover for the liars, handing Americans a bag of B.S. There seems to be only one solution to all the political lying. Believe about half of what we hear, check the rest, and disregard most of that.

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If politicians were fined $50,000.00 every time they tell a lie while in office you would see a major drop in the times that they lie.


It’d get rid of the National Debt.


That would require they had the ability to pay the fines.

William Vital

They would just take more graft.


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Last edited 1 year ago by audiegrant

That is simple, deduct it from their pay.!!!


To do that we have to get rid of this present Administration.

Danny Phillips

Fire every politician and start over.




And add those fines to social security and they will be solvent for at least 100 more years.

CPO Bill

He wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in his biden!


Biden is one of those people who cannot readily distinguish when he is telling the truth or a lie. It is whatever comes into his head or out of his mouth to suit the occasion. Now that he is senile, the fantasies and delusions of past experiences are more prevalent than ever.


As one of my family members has dementia, what comes out of their mouth they truly believe when it is nothing but a completely made up fabrication and it is pointless to try to prove it so. With politicians,…this is where our media is desperately failing us.

Gibson Janice

No excuse! Joe has been lying for years even before becoming senile. He doesn’t do anything to stop China because China owns him. Thanks to Hunter AND Joe. Why do you think they gave them millions?


Have you ever watched the movie “Red Dawn”? The only this is They won’t be jumping out of planes, they are already here, because of Biden’s dealings!!!!!!!


Biden is living proof why it is not good to lie. The lie should be able to stand on it’s own, and one must always be on guard to forever continue the coverup of the lie.


Hidenbiden needs to be censored, for all the lies he’s continuing to spew.

Dan Barber

If politicians took an oath, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth with the knowledge they could be charged with purgery, perhaps we would hear more truth than lies.


They actually take an oath that they violate every time they lie. I suspect MOST politicians are committing perjury when the take to oath of office.


Words don’t have to be true if your Joe Biden, you just say what the audience you’re in front of wants to hear. Even though it’s not true!


When it comes to lies, Sleepy Joe make Obama look like a saint. We should stop recording the long list of his lies and begin to keep track of his truthful statements. Oh boy, that would be a very short list.


Jo Biden is and has always been a serial lair! Besides being a prat.

Sadly there are those who smoke from that same pipe!

Gerald Ladd

Put a clown in the WH, and watch the circus!!


Joe hired people with similar talents: Lying without smiling. Thats all I’ve heard the last two yrs — Covid was natural, the border is secure, inflation is temporary the Balloon’s purpose was contained.– on and on and on.


Joey-boy doin’ what Joey-boy does best… LIE through his teeth and he’s had decades of practice so that he now is believing his own lies.


So true. To be a lie when telling it one must know it is not the truth. With Bidung, he either believes what he is saying is the truth (just plain stupid) or he doesn’t know (senile).


Even his teeth are not true. (false)

Ron C

The even scarier thing about creepy Joe’s lies are the millions of people that believe him, and the democrat party propaganda machine that help him lie!

Charles Covington

Its not a glowing Resume, for the people that voted for him, but you do have to enter the fraud that was perpetrated, and most democrats would vote for a brick, as long as a d was attached.

CPO Bill

A biden, Born to Lie!


impeach this stupid thing before he really gets the country in unrevoakable lies.


Biden lies because the people that believe him wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face. Why??? Because they live in the same fairyland. They too are liars.


Biden claimed that he traveled nearly 20,000 miles with Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping. Gee. Was that on Amtrack?

Danny Phillips

I’m beginning to think that our votes are worthless. They put in who they think will do their bidding. Our votes in AZ don’t mean nothing the way the Dems are cheating. Reprogramming the ballot printers the morning of the election so the tabulators couldn’t read them. I don’t know why the supreme court won’t look at that simple fact.
