MSM is Turning on Biden After Realizing Truth About Election

It seems the tables are turning in the media world, and boy, is it a sight to see! The media, who’ve been riding the Biden train since day one, are starting to get cold feet. Why, you ask? Because they’re scared that their golden boy might not be so golden after all. Senator Ted Cruz, a man known for speaking his mind, has said that he believes the corporate media is beginning to turn on Joe Biden. And why wouldn’t they? After all, there are whispers, nay, shouts, that Biden could lose this November if he goes head-to-head with former President Trump.

This revelation came out during the latest broadcast of Cruz’s “Verdict” podcast, where he was discussing Biden’s plummeting poll numbers. Now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘But the media loves Biden, they wouldn’t dare turn on him!’ Well, my friends, it seems desperate times call for desperate measures.

According to Cruz, “The Democrats and the media would be perfectly happy if they could wave a wand and put Joe Biden there four years or more. They’re not worried that he’s incompetent to be president”. But here’s the kicker, they’re worried he might lose. Their puppet might not make it to the finish line.

Cruz even went as far as to suggest that the Democrats might “pull the cord” on Biden and replace him with Michelle Obama. Can you imagine? From one puppet to another! But don’t think the media will take this lying down. If they can’t replace Biden and he becomes the nominee, they’ll resort to their favorite tactics – calling people “ageist and racist” for questioning Biden’s abilities.

In a tweet, Cruz pointed out, “The media is turning on Joe Biden. They are starting to get nervous since they realize that if it is Biden against Trump, Trump is going to win.”

So, there you have it, folks! The media, who’ve been singing Biden’s praises, are now humming a different tune. It’s almost as if they’re realizing what we’ve known all along – that Biden might not be the savior they painted him to be. But hey, better late than never, right?

But let’s not forget, this isn’t just about the media turning on Biden. This is about the power of the people and the importance of voting for leaders who have our best interests at heart. After all, we deserve a president who can stand on his own two feet, not one who needs the media to prop him up.

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I know that the Dems will cheat on Nov 5. They did cheat in 2020 and what is to prevent them from doing so in Nov? The FBI and CIA are pro Dem (socialist) and they got the tools to do it and make it appear legit.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 10 months ago by Julia

ANYONE, repeat ANYONE, BELIEVING UNVERIFIED COMMENTS FROM Ted Cruz is an absolute utter idiot. These comments are really nothing more than Cruz’s opinions, which have little or no credibility. FALSE NEWS!!!


I admire your dedication to stupidity

sonny fridley

Your stupidity is showing and there is a LOT of it to show!!!


You need a very wide screen to display the extreme stupidity you show. Bill, you are an idiot!


Communist MSN won’t ever side with conservatism.


one of my dem relatives, unfortuantely for him being so stupid stated that they will keep biden unless his poll numbers dip so low they cannot deny it; It is surprising to me that they are as high as stated. I cannot believe there are that many stupid people in this country that cannot see the truth if they fall over it.

Tony Bell

Democrats are their own worst enemy. Thinking people are stupid and easily manipulated, they have applied deceptions for years. Thankfully hard working folks have open eyes and shined light on their deceptions and now the tide is turning.


I share Ted Cruz’s opinions!


Me too!

William G Munson

I wonder what Truth they are talking is it the Voter Fraud that We the People knew for 2 & 1/2 years Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
