Mitt Romney and George Santos Share ‘Fighting Words’ During SOTU

On Tuesday evening, ahead of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C, two prominent political figures, Mitt Romney and George Santos, were caught engaged in a heated conversation that didn’t seem friendly by any means. Witnesses near them recall hearing loud words being exchanged between the two men.

As the two men stood amidst a crowd of fellow politicians, you could see them both seeming angry as they seemed to be disagreeing on about something. While it was unclear what they were arguing about, it’s being reported that Romney apparently let Santos know that he should not be there, telling him he “ought to be embarrassed.” In the video you can see Santos continuing to talk at Romney as he walks away. According to ABC and CBS, Santos called Romney an a-hole.

Independent reported,

Freshman Congressman George Santos was confronted by Mitt Romney, the anti-Trump Republican senator from Utah, on Tuesday as the embattled representative arrived in the House chamber for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

Cameras watching the controversial New York lawmaker, who is buried at the centre of countless scandals resulting from a long list of lies he has admitted to or been caught telling about his life and history, caught the Utah senator delivering a quick but scathing remark to his House colleague just a few minutes before Mr Biden’s speech began.

“You ought to be embarrassed”, it appears that Mr Romney says to his fellow Republican in the moment. Mr Romeny also told Mr Santos that he doesn’t belong in Congress, according to multiple reports after the exchange.

The two had a quick exchange of words, and Mr Santos was seen making a remark to the back of the departing senator.

ABC’s Ben Siegel then reported that Mr Santos was seen quipping “what an a******” to another member nearby.



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Romney isn’t the one to say anything.


Now we see why Santos was elected…He tells the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IF all the liars were to leave office in the Den of Corruption, it would be a ghost town


since when has Santos become a prominent political figure???
I would not show my face if I was him, not after he was caught in the “Go fund me” incident.


Check out Richard Blumenthal in the Senate…He has lied for years and keeps getting re-elected and lying more a true P O S


yankee voters are the worse! Fetterwoman?


Not a great fan of Romney, but he was 100% correct in challenging Santos presence. Unless the Republicans expel Santos they will live with the consequences of harboring and protecting a liar, cheat and likely a thief.


He’s joining many others. It seems many “prominent” dems fit that description very well, especially the “liar, cheat, thief” part.


Wow…You just described the House and Senate…


Would you say the same about Democrats and certified lifelong liar named Biden?


You mean Romney is a good “HONEST” politician!!??
Neither one of them needs to show their presence anywhere. ESPECIALLY THE PATHETIC MOROMNEY!!


What?? Santos is no different than the FBI,CIA guys. Santo is a liar and the Left loved him because he fit all the boxes. They voted him in.


yankee voters


Santos was elected, JUST like Mittens! If Romney does not like Santos being in Congress he should find someone else to run for the job.


when should a jerk from Utah, choose a candidate for New York? stupid


Mitt Romney shouldn’t be there either. He should be sitting behind Biden clapping at every word he says. What a traitor.


Romney had his chance to challenge someone with a fake biography when he ran for president. Then he failed and he has gone downhill since.


the press treated him like trash, now he loves them (the communist)?


Biden has been a liar for decades and yet he was still allowed to be there for the SOTU.


I would say santos is correct in his judgement of pierre


Mitt Romney isn’t true to his party or to his state. Nothing he says is worth listening to. He’s a RINO and he is a disappointment to any true conservative.


The Democrat National Committee knew exactly what they were getting with Santos. Santos is just a very important place holder to protect their majority in the Senate. They know that he can be manipulated to serve their purposes. And when he crashes, their Democrat Governor will appoint another Democrat to fill his seat.

Jay Robison

A couple of observations about your comment, Cajun. First, Santos isn’t a democrat, second, he’s in the House of Representatives, not the Senate.
