Massive New Rumor Swirling in 2024 GOP Race

Well, it looks like our good old buddy Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida and second-place finisher in the Republican Iowa Caucuses, is stirring up some chatter. There’s a rumor swirling around that he might be about to drop his 2024 presidential campaign bid. Can you believe it? According to some reports, DeSantis has canceled his upcoming appearances on ‘Meet The Press’ and CNN. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I were running for President, I’d want as much screen time as possible. But hey, maybe he just needs a break from all those hard-hitting questions. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s more to this story.

Conservative talk radio host Michael Berry doesn’t seem too surprised. He’s been hearing that DeSantis is about to drop out and, in his words, “He’s the best governor in America. He can be proud of that & return to doing that. Resist the urge to taunt. Biden is the enemy. Embrace the gov’s supporters, crush Halery, proceed to November. Stay focused on the prize.” Well, isn’t that a nice sentiment?

The DeSantis campaign’s press secretary is trying to put out the fire, saying that the cancellations are just due to scheduling issues. Apparently, our dear governor will be traveling and has public events scheduled elsewhere. Hmm, sounds like someone’s trying to keep us guessing.

Now, let’s not forget about the elephant in the room – Trump. Some folks seem to think the Trump camp is pushing for DeSantis to drop out of the race. And why wouldn’t they? After all, according to polls, a large percentage of Republican voters simply won’t vote for Trump if DeSantis is still in the picture.

Despite all this, DeSantis insists that he’s in it for the long haul. But after his less-than-stellar performance in the Iowa Caucuses, even Vox is saying it might be time to put a fork in his campaign. Now, I’m no political expert, but when Vox starts calling your campaign toast, you might want to start reassessing your strategy.

So, what’s next for DeSantis? Will he drop out or will he stick it out till the bitter end? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – the New Hampshire primary is going to be one heck of a show.

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John F Edwards

It seems a little strange that we are having this debate because of the cancellation of the far-left CNN and Meet the press attempts to defame and ridecule the opposition on live TV. I will await the Gov’s decision on what he will or won’t do.


That is similar to what I was thinking, they are both communist networks.


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check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

spread your legs!!!!

Stephen Russell

Notice Ron & Haley go to Far Left Media??
