Major Store Chain Found A Way to Stop Thugs From Stealing Their Stuff

Retail theft has always been a problem for businesses. However, over the last few years, stealing and shoplifting have skyrocketed. It’s out of control.

Much of the blame lies at the feet of radical progressives who have gutted the U.S. criminal justice system. Thieves are no longer considered criminals. They’re now “misunderstood victims of an impoverished society.”

Invariably, the number of people caught stealing, those who actually steal out of need, is minimal. Most thieves rob and steal because they somehow feel entitled to own what someone else has but not have to pay for it. This used to be an uncommon way of thinking. However, because of a bizarre plummeting of moral fiber, more people think it is okay to steal.

In fact, many walk right in front of surveillance cameras, proudly proclaiming their ill-gotten haul like a fisherman boasting of his prize catch. Businesses are experiencing a crisis! Why have retail theft and shoplifting spiked?

Again, progressive ideology insists these poor people are the victims. But the left’s push to essentially legalize stealing has consequences.

These consequences are first borne by businesses, and then by honest consumers. When businesses have to account for massive losses due to retail theft, they must adjust the price tags on their merchandise. Honest people pay for the self-entitled bad behavior of others. No, it’s not fair. However, there may be hope.

One major U.S. corporation may have discovered a successful way to stop retail theft without locking down inventory or inconveniencing the honest shopper.

While not everything that thieves may target would fall into this category, Lowe’s new system will help deter the stealing of a number of items. The technology is actually quite remarkable.

It wouldn’t do a thief much good to steal something that wouldn’t work once they got it out of the store. Lowe’s new technology places a low-cost radio frequency chip inside things such as power tools.

If the tool is stolen, it will not work. Project Unlock, which uses blockchain and RFID technology, renders tools inoperable and essentially worthless if they are stolen.

This is bad news for home improvement store thieves but great news for the consumer. The idea that the technology is relatively inexpensive is huge. Project Unlock will not add a lot of money to a company’s expenses. The cost of this theft-preventative technology won’t be as readily visible on the price tag as, say, wages for expanded store security, for instance.

This new method to deter thieves is a win-win for both businesses and consumers. As helpful as these new strategies are for reducing retail theft, it would still be refreshing to see the criminal justice system rejoin the conversation. When the risk again outweighs the reward of stealing, stealing will no longer be appealing. Until then, Lowe’s tells would-be crooks, Good luck getting that power tool to work if you got it via the “five-finger discount.”

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Doug S.

Sorry, this SHOULD NOT be the responsibility of the stores. That’s WHY we have law enforcement. Going to California and being able to walk out with $950 in merchandise withjNO consequences is STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have laws for a reason. USE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!


Mike, great work. I applaud your efforts enormously because I presently make more than $36,000 each month from just one straightforward online company! You may begin creating a steady online income with as little as $29,000, and these are only the most basic internet operations jobs.
Alternate the connection————————————>>>


Insufficient deterrence. Shoot them. Dispose in the dumpster. As a juror, I vote to aquit.


Trained attack dogs! When the thief runs out of the store, “feed” the dog!


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

the problem in these areas mentioned, is that the criminal is not a criminal according to the leftist definition but if the owner does anything, I mean anything to stop such action he or she is now the criminal. Remember Daniel Perry in NYC. He refrained a nut case guy from hurting people in the subway. the guy was threatening everyone he could see. Who was arrested and is facing trial. why daniel of course. do not know how that worked out, never heard a thing. People can just disappear in the system too.

Neil Glenn

It’s well known that 4 legs are faster than two! Good solution! Just so long as the dogs only go after the original thieves, not any innocent bystanders to whom the thieves toss some stolen loot, as a distraction!!


Good for Lowe’s.


merchandise is still produced (wasted) and lost. Better to lose the evil


This idea may protect electronic tools and gizmos but good luck protecting clothing, OTC drugs, high-priced accessories and other non-electronic retail merchandise. This is all happening because law enforcement and our Justice system have broken down and created the present chaos and anarchy – just as Globalists, Leftists and Democrat Corruptocrats have planned.


The only other effective alternative is to restrict the exits to narrow locked aisles where the cashiers unlock the doors after payment (or auto unlocked for fires etc). For California, Price everything at $1,*** with the prices discounted at the register to $***. This way any theft clears the penalty threshold.


The only way to stop this crime and most other crimes is when Law Enforcement and our justice system is taken away from the control of politicians; and since this will never happen it will continue to get worse.





putting a bullet in the skull of a communist judge (or other corrupt leader) would be cheaper and have a more lasting effect. Restore the republic

Charles Homer Rooney Jr

I have a question. Can the owner or employes of the store that is being invaded by a crowd of thieves shoot them? After a few incidents of protecting your store’s merchandise the thieves would not pillage the store. I see so many businesses invaded by hundreds of thugs steeling everything that is not nailed down and then destroy the store and even set it on fire. What about the rights of the store’s owner?


The store don’t have rights, only stuff that is free for the taking, and if you try to stop one of these thieves you may end up in jail, remember it is far easier to convict an honest person than a thief, they get free lawyers and leftist judges who will just turn their heads and let them go.


A 44 0r 45 caliber works best…


It still increases prices as the tool is still stolen.


magnetic door locks opened after matching the receipt to the items!
