Kari Lake Gets Some Not-So-Good News in AZ Senate Race

In the latest twist in what’s shaping up to be the Arizona Senate race equivalent of a Wild West showdown, Kari Lake, the firebrand former TV anchor turned gubernatorial hopeful, has found herself staring down the barrel of a fundraising behemoth named Ruben Gallego. Now, people, let me paint you a picture of this political duel under the scorching Arizona sun.

Ruben Gallego, Democratic Rep and a man who doesn’t seem to know the meaning of “slow down,” has pulled in a jaw-dropping $7.5 million for the first quarter of 2024. This guy’s fundraising machine is churning out cash faster than a counterfeit operation, leaving Lake and her $2.1 million haul in the last quarter of 2023 eating dust. Now, with $9.6 million in cash on hand and seven months to go until Election Day, Gallego’s war chest is looking more like Fort Knox.

Gallego’s campaign, according to The Hill, is boasting about grassroots support that would make Bernie Sanders blush. We’re talking 98% of contributions being $200 or less, with a total of 100,000 individuals donating last cycle—half of whom were first-time contributors. Nichole Johnson, Gallego’s campaign manager, couldn’t resist a victory lap, saying, “Thanks to the support of hundreds of thousands of small-dollar donors who have chipped in what they could to help elect Ruben Gallego, we are building the infrastructure to win this November.” It’s a shame that elections have basically boiled down to a point where whoever has the most money wins.

Meanwhile, Lake, not one to shy away from a fight, is facing an uphill battle. With Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) deciding not to seek re-election and effectively turning the race into a likely Gallego vs. Lake showdown, the former news anchor needs all the help she can get. And while top outside groups might throw their financial weight behind her, direct campaign funds are where the real action is. After all, you can’t fight a war on ads alone.

Gallego’s already making moves on the airwaves, launching TV ads early to define his candidacy statewide. Lake’s response? Well, she’s been a bit busy dealing with legal drama, choosing not to defend herself against liability in a defamation lawsuit filed by Stephen Richer, a Republican election official in Maricopa County. Despite these distractions, Lake’s determination to challenge the extent of damages claimed shows she’s not throwing in the towel just yet.

It’s clear that Lake has her work cut out for her. But if there’s one thing we know about Kari Lake, it’s that she’s no stranger to a good fight. Will she be able to close the fundraising gap and rally her base for a surprise victory? Only time will tell.

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Ole feeble Joe

Pretty sad when the way we keep score going into an election is by who raised the most money


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Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

Please take your spam somewhere else, NOW!!!

Wyatt Earp

Is this how the media play it? By who raised the most money? Last I checked I didn’t know the media was doing all the VOTING! People need to remember it THEIR VOTE NOT THEIR MONEY THAT DECIDE WHO REPRESENTS ALL OF US! Is there foreign government putting money into these democrats politicians campaign funds? It sure seems like it! Due to the state of the ECONOMY!

Gerald Ladd

Soon peple will realize it’s notthe money, but the good the person running is going to. All that money he raisedm how do you konw it didn’t work it’s way out of the taxpayers pockets, by hook or by crook. on’t be surprised, all that glitters isn’t always gold.


Sadly it is money but not what a Candidate has to campaign on but what they claim is free to the public from the Government. Sadly most voters do not understand this simple FACT those in DC are promising the Taxpayers money and that they WORK for their State not the other way around. Government has NO money only taxpayers have money. Democraps promise everyone money but keep all theirs they received after a Campaign that is how they get rich.




money dont get you votes. people do


Money does get you votes. That’s why politicians spend year round collecting it. They understand name recognition , advertising and sound bites. If these many people have donated and they are Arizona residents then, Arizonans are still ok with another democrat. If the Democrats would replace Biden then they increase the chance of winning in November. Same as the Arizona senator who is stepping down. She sees the writing on the wall. Otherwise she would die there in office.


Ya know what’s crazy, by now, most people should already know the consequences of choosing any evil democrat! If yall have Any common sense, Kari Lake loves her country and her freedom and that Alone should tell you to vote for her!
And even when the Evil Left throws $Ms into the pot, the lying, propaganda democrat Ads should make no difference. Yall should already know who to vote for!!
Go Kari Lake, for freedom and love of Country, for All our kids, grandkids and future kids!

Ron C

So democrats pay people for their votes, is that how it works in Arizona? I thought that is illegal?


It is illegal unless your a democRAT, the you can do anything you want too to win.

Tim Kuehl

All these contributions Democrats are raking in causes me to remember James O’Keefe’s OMG expose about Democrats’ Act Blue money laundering.


They will elect ruben the schitt eater!
