Iran Issues New Threat to Israel If They Retaliate

In the latest episode of “Messing with the Wrong Country,” Iran has decided to up the ante in its ongoing feud with Israel. According to a recent report, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi issued a not-so-veiled threat that should Israel dare to respond to any of Iran’s provocations, the Islamic Republic is ready to unleash a response described as “severe, extensive, and painful.” Now, if that doesn’t sound like a line straight out of a Hollywood action movie, I don’t know what does.

The whole kerfuffle stems from an increasingly tense situation where Israel, known for its “speak softly and carry a big stick” policy (with emphasis on the big stick), has signaled its intention to respond to Iran’s attacks with actions rather than words. This declaration came after incidents that have ratcheted up tensions in the region, including an attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which Tehran attributes to Israel. The specifics of this tit-for-tat are as murky as a foggy night in London, but one thing is clear: neither side is ready to back down.

President Raisi, in a statement that could easily be mistaken for a script from a 1980s action flick, insists that any Iranian attack falls within its “legitimate right to self-defense.” He also took a swipe at Western countries for their support of Israel, framing Iran as the peace-loving protagonist in this geopolitical drama. It’s a bold narrative, especially considering the region’s complex web of alliances, enmities, and long-standing conflicts.

But let’s be real here: Israel isn’t exactly shaking in its boots. The country’s War Cabinet, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, is reportedly considering retaliation “to hurt” Iran but not to the extent of provoking a regional war. It’s like saying, “We’re going to slap you, but not too hard—just hard enough.” And while they’re at it, they’re looking to coordinate with the United States, although Uncle Sam has already made it clear he’s not interested in joining the brawl.

What we have here, folks, is a classic standoff, with both sides staring each other down, waiting to see who blinks first. Iran’s threats of a “severe, extensive, and painful” response are important, sure, but they also smack of desperation. It’s the rhetoric of a regime that knows it’s outgunned and outclassed, trying to puff itself up to look bigger than it is.

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Tom Myers

Yea right ; Israel is not allowed to defend themselves. If the US were bombed .they would invade the country that attacked.


Not necessarily. Look at the invasion of illegal aliens along with lethal drugs at the Southern border. It’s the Obama-biden administration reset of national sovereignty here and around the world.

Roger Moen

Your mixing apples and oranges. people walking across the border is not the same as sitting in Mecico and sending rockets across.


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check it…………………………………….

Last edited 10 months ago by Julia
Gary Lee

Allowing 8 million illegal aliens in has a much more devastating effect to a country than a few rockets.


Another option is to have a President that would say on day one that any facility used to launch attacks on the US would vaporize, and would be believed.

Stephen Russell

Rerun Nov 1979

Roger Moen

I guess Iran is saying if they attack they will up the anti if Isreal responds to the attack. Well my way of thinking if that is if they intend to just raise it higher and higher why wait for the logical end end just nuke them at the start.

Old wolf

Don’t you just love this BS. Iran starts sh#t, can’t finish the job, then Threatens more. What will Iran do when real retaliation come their way. In life, you get what you give

Gunny Gil

One has to remember that Raisi is a Jihadist Muslim Imam who has believed all his life that no non-Muslim has the right to live freely on the earth. That any person who does no convert to Islam should be put to death like the Muslims did in the 7th century all the way up the Iberian Peninsula to the gates of Paris before they were stopped. The Qu’ran declares so and anyone who does not beleive the Qu’ran does not has never read or studied it


Bumbling Biden should not talk Israel out of doing what they feel needs to be done, and on the contrary, the U.S. has the right and should have the desire to help the world by taking out Irans leadership to free the great Iranian people from the evil ones currently in charge.


This administration needs to check in with Valerie Jarrett at Hussein’s Foundation and Kerry’s son in law, before saying boo to the Mullahs.


What mullah doesn’t understand is that when (not if) Israel responds to being attacked, Iran may have little to nothing left to respond with.


1967, Six Day War seems to come to mind. Iran needs to remember History.
