Illegal Aliens Now Receive More Benefits Than US Veterans

In the latest twist of events that seems almost too absurd to be true, New York City has decided to roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, offering them a benefits package that would make even the most pampered VIPs blush. Yes, people, you heard that right. While our veterans, the very men and women who have laid everything on the line for our freedom, are struggling to get the support they deserve, NYC is busy handing out prepaid debit cards to illegal migrants.

Let’s break this down, shall we? As part of a $53 million pilot program, these migrant families are being given up to $350 per week to splurge on food and baby supplies. And just to add a cherry on top, this spending spree is happening in the city’s hotels, where these families are staying. I mean, why not, right? It’s not like the city has any other pressing issues to spend money on. Oh wait, what about that little thing called veteran services?

Fox News did the math, and it turns out that if this program expands to cover all migrants, it’ll cost the city a whopping $53 million. To put that into perspective, that’s more than double what New York State plans to spend on its Department of Veteran Services. Let that sink in for a moment. Double the budget for people who entered the country illegally compared to those who fought for it.

Brian Llenas from Fox News pointed out that each migrant will receive approximately $12.52 per day for food and baby supplies. That’s 40% more than what the average low-income American received in government food stamps in 2022. And let’s not forget the free healthcare for migrants, which is currently the city’s most expensive migrant-related expense, accounting for about half of the $4.7 billion spent on the migrant crisis last year.

It’s a scenario that leaves many scratching their heads in disbelief. How did we get to a point where illegal aliens receive more benefits than US veterans? Even a Democrat city council member admitted, “This is insane. It’s not good policy. Obviously, a sanctuary city should not mean protecting criminals.”

This situation highlights a glaring issue in our society’s priorities. It’s important to show compassion and provide support to those in need, but not at the expense of neglecting our own. Our veterans deserve better. They deserve more than just our gratitude; they deserve our unwavering support and commitment to ensuring they receive the benefits and care they’ve rightfully earned. It’s time for New York City, and indeed the entire country, to reassess where our loyalties lie and to remember who truly deserves the VIP treatment.

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(NYC alone spending for illegal aliens exceeds 2X NYState spending for US Veterans Services) Disgusting, but not unexpectedly hidden !!!!!


This is beyond repugnant Illegals need to be sent back where they came from.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia
Doris Anne Frazier

Take our crap some where else.


burn ny to the ground


I’m sure that is possibility soon with most likely probability of a second civil war in this country extremely likely!


No, Burn the God Forsaken country down, reduce it to ashes.


How can this happen? Illegals getting more than our veterans? And they ship most of that money back to their home countries. This is ridiculous. Stop paying taxes. Withhold paychecks to the idiots in office. Lets see how long they can go without a paycheck. This new generation has no idea what our vets went through. All these idiots can do is spend other people’s money. Remind you of some other criminal in office?


It is easy to spend someone else’s money. The government should have to pay the illegals out of their own pocket.


Starting with Shay’s Rebellion (1786) to this day, the US has always treated Veterans like crap. Veterans commit suicide at the rate of 44 a day, largely because they cannot receive the help they need.The number of homeless Vets is right at 40,000. This BS must end!

Bruce Walters

Thankyou Mr. Biden


You people who voted for democrats need to take the minimum of 8 million illegals who have entered the US since Biden and multiply that by the cost of free housing, food, healthcare, policing, phones , processing, transportation, schooling etc and etc. and then realize that this is your tax money. Also you idiots need to realize that money does not grow on trees and as the government continues to print more money to care for these illegals, it only increases the price of everything. It’s called inflation.


I have Diabetes II from Agent Orange in Vietnam and Thailand. I have been turned down for disability, even though the PACT ACT supposedly doesn’t question the fact, they still turned me (and probably 10s of thousands of us that served in Southeast Asia if the 60s and were exposed to Agent Orange. That they can give all these benefits to law breakers and invaders is purely sick. But that is the Leftists in this country. Those that served are not worth anything. The Illegal invader is pampered and given everything.


they gotta build their army.


The People’s Army is made up of ordinary people who want to put this country back on its feet and not in the hands of lifetime pollaticions who have been in office all their life who think they are gods 8 years in the government is enough and no lifetime pension SS only


All f this is why recruitment is down Why would any American want to fight for this administration? The military personnel will just get kicked to the ground just as they did during the covid.


If a super-giant volcano were to erupt beneath NYC and completely obliterate the place, I would go outside in front of my home and do my happy dance.

thomas carl pesek

Someone will hang for this.


This is disgusting They take care of illegal aliens better than Americans Time to revolt get rid of the governor and her cronies she should b in jail !


DISGRACEFUL! All that is good is being torn apart by those that are bad!

Richard Kent

I am a UNITED STATES MARINE. served from 1965-1969 I have had a comp claim for 40 years and have yet to recieve PTSD disability. If I was an Alien, I would get the disability.


You will have to cross over into Mexico and hope you don’t get caught Then cross the Rio Grande as an illegal. I think we need to put hippos in the water

Gerald Ladd

Welcome to the demonRATS new America!
