Hillary Attacks Women for Her Loss Against Trump

In Hillary Clinton’s latest book, “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America,” she takes no prisoners. Clinton dives deep into the tumultuous landscape of American politics, unflinchingly assigning blame for her 2016 loss to Donald Trump on a variety of factors—most notably, on women voters.

Clinton’s new release reads like a bitter postmortem of her failed presidential bid, and she pulls no punches when it comes to calling out those she believes let her down. Within its pages, she portrays a dystopian future under a second Trump administration, where women’s rights, gay rights, civil liberties, and even the foundational principles of American democracy are at risk. The former Secretary of State spares no detail in painting a grim picture, yet her focus often swings back to the female electorate who she claims abandoned her in her time of need.

One of the most provocative aspects of Clinton’s narrative is her critique of women voters. She argues that these voters deserted her after then-FBI Director James Comey reopened the investigation into her emails just before the election. “But once he did that to me, the people, the voters who left me, were women,” Clinton stated. Her contention is clear: societal double standards demanded perfection from her as a woman candidate, while Trump, flawed and controversial, was seen as a viable option simply because he fit the traditional image of a president.

Clinton’s account extends beyond personal grievances to broader political criticisms. She lambasts her Democratic peers for their inaction on protecting abortion rights at the federal level, even when they controlled Congress. Democrats, including Joe Biden, often shied away from making abortion a legislative priority, she notes, and this lack of action has now led to dire consequences.

Her sharp rebukes aren’t limited to Democrats. Clinton also takes aim at the four Supreme Court justices—John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—whom she accuses of being strategically positioned by conservatives to dismantle Roe v. Wade. This, she warns, is just the beginning of a broader conservative agenda that could unravel decades of progress on various civil rights issues.

Interestingly, Clinton acknowledges Trump’s tactical approach to abortion rights. Aligning himself with pro-life advocates, Trump managed to secure significant support from women despite the numerous allegations of misconduct against him. “Politically, he threw his lot in with the right on abortion and was richly rewarded,” Clinton notes.

She’s one of those people who, much like Stacey Abrams, wants to blame everyone but themselves for their own losses.

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Hillary America hates you just shut your big mouth and go away. We don’t want to hear or see your pathetic face anymore

MidNite Rider

I’m glad she lost. She hates Americans and America and everything we stand for.


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Last edited 10 months ago by JessicaWhite

Hillary blames women for her 2016 loss, maybe blame the one woman you see in the mirror.

The Rebel

JUST LOOK AT HER——————–it is no wonder Billy Joe Bob was playing his HER-Monica !!!


Her problem, with women, is that because we’re women as well we recognize a manipulative b**** when we see one.


can’t anyone throw a bucket of water on this witch? she/it will melt, instantly

OR Patriot

We should be so lucky!!

Larry Anderson

When will this irrelevant old hag finally get over her loss of the Presidency in 2016???? I’ve never seen any loosing Candidate in modern political history continue to find excuses years after the election. They accepted defeat and of course were disappointed but didn’t continue to carry on for years after the election results. Her best days are behind her, her era is long over but she keeps trying to remain relevant I guess to satisfy her large ego. She’s getting closer to 80, should enjoy what years she has left in this world.


Hillary has to get over herself

Old wolf

The old cow just don’t get it. The people don’t want her in our government. She’s a 2 time loser, she blames everyone but herself for losing. That’s what makes her the loser she really is.


only socialist (control freaks) are perfect. Everyone else is wrong, stupid & deplorable


I would not vote for this snake for any position for any reason!! She slithers!!


I am happy that vile, corrupt sea hag is so torn up about her loss.


Hillary, the most shameless, dishonest person on earth!

Elwood P Sugens

Hillary will never be happy.Even if she was POTUS she would hate that to.When she told all the people in the coal mining they would have to find another job did not help her.You cant put people out of work,crap on the union workers and expect them to vote for you.
