Fulton County Election Board Member Gives JAW DROPPING Testimony on 2020 Election

In a revelation that’s sure to have every right-leaning patriot spitting their morning coffee across the breakfast table, a Fulton County Election Board member, Mark Wingate, dropped what can only be described as a bombshell testimony. Now, hold onto your hats, people, because this isn’t just any run-of-the-mill political squabble.

Wingate testified at the disbarment hearing for former U.S. Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, alongside a cast of 19 co-defendants charged by District Attorney Fani Willis with trying to overturn Georgia’s presidential election results. And get this: Wingate voted against certifying Fulton County’s 2020 election results. According to him, it’s because the county’s election officials were about as transparent as a brick wall when it came to efforts to mitigate voter fraud.

“The things that led me to initially have concern about everything was… I started looking at our voter rolls, and I did some fairly simplistic research on the population of Fulton County,” Wingate said during his remote meeting testimony. And here’s the kicker: “We had more voters on the active voter rolls than we did of the population of the entirety of Fulton County.” If that doesn’t make you go “hmm,” I don’t know what will.

Wingate and his fellow board members apparently went on a wild goose chase trying to obtain chain of custody documents for absentee ballots. Spoiler alert: they got zilch. “None of that was delivered,” Wingate lamented. “How can I trust as a board member to certify this election when I cannot receive even a sampling, anything at all with regards to chain of custody documents?”

And if you thought that was all, think again. When it came to surveillance tapes from cameras set up to monitor the more than 30 drop boxes placed throughout Fulton County, Wingate says, “there was never an inch of footage that was ever delivered to the board.”

Now, let’s not forget the backdrop to all this intrigue. Former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants have been charged with pressuring key Georgia officials to dig up or “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s slim victory margin.

Is it a case of election officials playing fast and loose with the rules, or is it something more sinister? One thing’s for sure: this testimony has thrown a hefty wrench into the already tangled machinery of the 2020 election aftermath.

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Surprise, surprise, “Election Fraud” ran rampant through that ‘mail-in’ farcical 2020 election, and in that GA runoff Senate election in January of ’21! What part of ‘there is no way’ Joltin’ demented, corrupt, Joe Biden ‘legitimately’ received over 80,000 votes to be the “Leader of The (not so) FREE world” is hard for people to comprehend? As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT.”


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Last edited 11 months ago by Julia
Wyatt Earp

Well, well, well! Now who want to testify he lying for DEMOCRAT polls worker? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what going on! Who else TELL REPUBLICANS POLLS WORKER TO GO HOME? THEN STAY LATE TO CHANGE THE VOTE!


3-1/2 years late! Not impressed!


And what if anything will come of this?


Nothing. None of what he said was true.




your answer means you knew about it,,,,,,,,,guilty



The Rebel

Has Jose Bidumb already won the 2024 election? Does it really pay for the gas cost to go vote? So how is this Communist control working for you?


Another undisputed piece of evidence that the 2020 election was stolen!


They always say! The longer you wait, sooner or later the crap in the political cesspool, will come to the surface, where it usually stinks to high heaven???? of corruption. This Rico trial is all part of trying to keep everyone’s eyes off the true facts of stealing the 2020 election, the old saying “don’t look over here! Look over there!”


paint me surprised


Got to stop mail ballots and drop boxes. Make voter ID mandatory regardless of supposed impact


No surprise in Fulton County It’s demorat H Q in Ga.


The Feral Courts in most leftist states were complicit by, ...OMISSION OF ACTION! That is a crime, once they take the oath of office and chose to ignore voter fraud evidence!

3-1/2 years wasted and that was intentional also!

Gunny Gil

Fulton County Georgia has more criminals in it’s borders than the state prison in Jackson
