FBI Violated HIPAA to Secretly Revoke 2A Rights

The FBI has been working secretly with hospitals and medical centers to strip United States citizens of their rights to own, buy, or even use firearms. This revelation has caused outrage among gun rights activists and civil liberties advocates who see this as a blatant violation of the Second Amendment.

According to a report by the Washington Examiner, the FBI coordinated with healthcare providers to gain access to patient records and identify individuals who may be disqualified from owning firearms. The agency then used this information to pressure these individuals into voluntarily giving up their gun rights.

This practice is particularly concerning because it allows the government to circumvent due process and deny citizens their constitutional right to bear arms without any legal justification. It also raises serious privacy concerns as patients’ medical records are supposed to be confidential and protected by law.

The FBI’s actions have been criticized by several organizations, including Gun Owners of America, which called it a “gross abuse of power.” The group has also accused the agency of using intimidation tactics to coerce people into surrendering their firearms.

This is not the first time that the FBI has come under fire for its handling of gun-related issues. In 2018, it was revealed that the agency had pressured Americans into voluntarily giving up their Second Amendment rights through its “Voluntary Appeal File” program. This program allowed individuals who had been prohibited from owning firearms due to mental health issues or other disqualifying factors to appeal their status and potentially regain their gun rights.

While some argue that these measures are necessary for public safety, others believe that they infringe on individual liberties and undermine the principles of democracy. The debate over gun control in America is likely to continue for years to come, with both sides fiercely defending their positions.

In conclusion, the FBI’s secret coordination with hospitals and medical centers to strip Americans of their gun rights is a troubling development that raises serious questions about government overreach and individual freedoms. While there may be legitimate concerns about public safety and preventing gun violence, these goals must be balanced against our fundamental constitutional rights. It remains to be seen how this issue will play out in the courts and in public opinion, but one thing is clear: we must remain vigilant in protecting our liberties from encroachment by those in power.

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The UNLAWFUL lawful illegally subverting Citizens rights just like the IRS who have turned FBI and are violating all rights of the citizenry


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Last edited 1 year ago by Julia
Stephen Russell



The WHO also must be stopped!


Biden and the DOJ refuse to! F#@K’em all!


It’s out in the open now! The FBI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Communist China!


The British Crown Corporation is the correct answer. They also created the CCP.


and the Dept. of JUST US (communist) are still picking their noses…


Disgusting government agencies have been corrupted by the Dem-o-rats so they can take total control of our lives!!! For them, we owe them everything we make or do!!! Welcome to the Marxist-Leninist, Orwelling 1984 version by the Socialist Dem-o-rats!!!


Amerika became corrupt in 1865, when the republic was destroyed by a racist, atheist, socialist tyrant named dis-honest Abe Lincoln. wise up

Tom R.

The fbi have become an enormous disgrace.


This action was taking place before Biden took office, and no one took action. It was discussed a long while back when patients were being asked by their physicians if they owned firearms. So far Congress and Senate have taken no action.

Bon K

👍👍 Yes! I switched doctors a few years ago because it’s none of a doctor’s business if a patient owns a firearm or not. She went out of practice last year. hehe


More reason to purge the FIB and I do mean prosecute those who ordered these violations and carried them out without question…….


the FIBber agents need to read what “infringe” means in the dictionary, while they are NOT sleeping with each other, of course…


DEFUND the GESTAPO in socialist Amerika


Any government employees in jail for this breach?



Congress refuses to defund them and the DOJ so I guess it is OK!


This is true. I went to a medical centre for a condition of rapid loss of weight and I was given a form with the question “do you own a gun”. I was in my sixties at the time.


The Tenth Amendment says “Powers not enumerated to government are reserved to the states or People”.

There is no mention of power to legislate the “Bill of Rights” in the “Enumerations” (list) of government powers.

Madison said he would approve of adding the BOR only if no power was given to government.

Government is trying to use the “Implied Powers” given to government under the commerce act, but here’s the problem with that,

“Expressly Stipulated (listed) Rights” has “precedence” (greater authority) over rights that are only “IMPLIED” and may or may not be a right.

Rights that are “Expressly Stated” can not be questioned/denied, Implied rights can be questioned and denied.

That is the way law has been interpreted since the creation of law.

There’s at least a half dozen other laws being “perverted” to justify government legislating were they have “NO ENUMERATIONS OF POWERS”.


Thank you for the explanation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Machiko
Hate liars

Big lawsuits coming to FBI, medical hospitals and doctors. So what is the Congress going to do about it? NOTHING! Too many cowards and unamerican people in Congress!


Guarantee the lawsuits will do nothing, even IF they are allowed to proceed.


I served in the military for this country. What a young FOOL I was.

Former Marine

the dumbing down of the usa has begun and I know it to be factual from one idiotic comment and if You can also see the idiotic comment there is hope for You. i think of the movie “Idiocrazy”.May God have mercy on the sane

Old wolf

What’s one more broking law to the fbi. They already broke every law we have protecting the bidens. Why would they care now ??? They have the far left Communist democrat party backing them for the power to corrupt all they want or need. Like I said, what would they care ???

Gerald Ladd

This site doesn’t want to post my comments!
