In a move that has left many scratching their heads in confusion and others boiling with rage, the Department of Justice (DOJ) recently unveiled its plans for a so-called “Federal Red Flag Center.” Officially dubbed the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center, this latest brainchild of the DOJ aims to offer training and assistance for implementing laws designed to prevent dangerous people from getting their hands on firearms. Sounds noble, right? Well, not if you take a closer look.
The announcement has sparked a firestorm among conservative circles, with critics slamming it as a blatant attack on due process and an egregious infringement on our sacred Second Amendment rights. Because, let’s face it, nothing screams “freedom” quite like the government deciding who gets to exercise their constitutional rights based on some arbitrary criteria.
Leading the charge against this Orwellian nightmare is Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie, who raised an eyebrow (or two) over the authorization and suspicious timing of the red flag center, coming hot on the heels of a $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill’s passage. And he’s not alone. Conservative voices like Chief Nerd, Breanna Morello, and Dana Loesch have been vocal in their opposition, linking the move to recent visits by Kamala Harris and Christopher Wray to the site of the Parkland mass shooting. Because, of course, nothing says “let’s politicize tragedy” quite like a photo op at the scene of a national heartbreak.
What the hell is this evil?
A Federal Red Flag center;
We did not authorize this.
Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) March 23, 2024
On the New York ERPO form, just the fact that someone recently purchased a firearm could be considered a “red flag”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 23, 2024
Today Kamala Harris is visiting the high school where the Parkland mass shooting took place.
Christopher Wray visited Parkland yesterday.
Now the DOJ is announcing a Federal Red Flag center.
Pay attention, folks.
— Breanna Morello (@BreannaMorello) March 23, 2024
Republicans voted to fund Biden’s agenda and a due-process destroying “red flag center.” As of now, I do not believe that the GOP wants to win in November. I’m not exaggerating — these are not the actions of a party interested in fighting or winning.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 23, 2024
The passage of the omnibus spending bill itself has come under heavy fire. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a Republican, stands accused of caving to Democratic spending whims, effectively handing over GOP leverage on issues like border enforcement and fiscal sanity on a silver platter. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t mince words when she blasted the rushed nature of the bill’s passage, violating the sacred 72-hour rule and denying members the chance to offer amendments. She lambasted the bill as a betrayal of the American people and Republican voters, prioritizing Democratic interests and, shockingly, late-term abortion funding.
House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good also chimed in, questioning the mad dash to keep the government open while perpetuating Pelosi-Schumer policies and spending levels. It’s like Groundhog Day, but with worse fiscal policy.
The bottom line? The creation of the Federal Red Flag Center and the controversy surrounding the omnibus spending bill should serve as a wake-up call for all Americans. Our First and Second Amendment rights are the bedrock of a government of the people, by the people, for the people. And when those rights are under attack, it’s not just a conservative issue—it’s an American issue.