Democrats Erupt After Trans Senator Gets ‘Misgendered’ on Floor

In a recent episode of political theatre that would make Shakespeare blush, Democrats in the Virginia state Senate decided to derail a hearing on Monday. What was the cause of such drama, you ask? Well, it all started when Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, a Republican, responded “yes sir” to an inquiry from Sen. Danica Roem. Now, Roem, who identifies as a woman but has a rather deep voice, didn’t take too kindly to this.

The exchange began innocently enough. Roem asked Sears about the number of votes needed to pass a particular bill with the emergency clause. In the midst of flipping through papers and managing the meeting, Sears absentmindedly replied, “Yes, sir, that would be 32.”

What happened next? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. Roem stormed out of the room, missing the vote and causing quite the commotion. A shout echoed through the chamber, but it wasn’t clear who made the sound or what was said. Adding to the chaos, several Democrat senators began leaving the room, and Sen. Ghazala Hashmi, whose turn it was to describe the next bill, refused to speak.

After a short recess, the body reconvened, and Sears tried to keep things moving by recognizing Sen. Hashmi again. But Hashmi still wouldn’t speak, forcing Sears to put the Senate back in recess. When they resumed, Sears appeared irritated but composed. She addressed the incident, saying, “I said something that upset Sen. Roem. Let it be known I am not here to upset anyone. I am here to do the job that the people of Virginia have called me to do and that is to treat everyone with respect and dignity.”

Sears went on to acknowledge her frequent mistakes with names and even admitted to accidentally putting “the House” into recess instead of the Senate. She apologized and clarified that there was no intent to offend.

But were the Democrats satisfied? Nope. The Democratic Party of Virginia refused to accept Sears’ apology, writing on social media, “We will not forget this smear.”

This incident comes on the heels of another controversy involving Sen. Hashmi. Earlier this month, Hashmi’s education committee killed Sage’s Law, a bill passed by the House of Delegates last session that would prevent schools from hiding a child’s gender transition from their parents. Named after Sage, a girl who was trafficked by a registered sex offender, the law aimed to ensure parents are informed about their child’s struggles at school.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Well, it seems that in the world of politics, a simple slip of the tongue can lead to an uproar. But one must wonder, is this really about a misgendering mistake, or is it just another example of political grandstanding? After all, it’s easier to walk out of a room than to engage in a constructive dialogue, isn’t it?

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check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia
Robert Bean

Lier- lier pants on fire== scammer!


$120 on your back and $130 on your sore knees?


Ok lets end this stupidity right now. If a guy wants to put on womens clothes more power to them. But dont try and put new headlights on a chevy van and expect me to call it a corvette. If HE still has all of his male parts, then he is a HE no matter who wants to get their underwear in a knot about it.


DANIEL: LOVE YOUR ANSWER!! These Trans people are ALL SICK-SICK people! If it is a MALE born with male parts, in any government position, he must be called “SIR”! — and keep his mouth SHUT! — not stomp out of the room like a 2 year old!! Oh, you hurt his little feelings. Grow up! or get out of politics.


I like your answer


great answer


Trannies are not mentally stable so why would there be one in the Legislature?
Obviously a Democrat thingy.


so why would’nt there be one in the Legislature?


there is no law that can compel anyone to participate in another’s delusional fantasies. they are indeed unstable.

Last edited 11 months ago by getovryourself

this crap will continue to happen UNTIL the cowards, with a 2nd amendment, WAKE UP and demand to separate from the evil empire or STOP paying for the clown show. RESTORE the REPUBLIC of We the People. Live free of die




delusional… incompetent… empty skull must D I E


Delusional Leftist BS!


If it wants to be a woman then let’s make it a momma on cut it right off.
If it walks like a duck and swims like a duck and it quacks like a duck ITS A DUCK
Open your eyes America go Woke Go Broke.


sloppy Joe Obiden, Amerika Last ! Woke Broke Bitter

robert whatchamacallit



Such a big stir was “justified’ by misgendering. Jamaal Bowman should have used that excuse for illegally setting off the fire alarm.



Neil Glenn

In my eighty-four years on this earth, I have ‘misnamed’ people, ‘misgendered’ people. If I catch myself, I apologize. If others catch me, I apologize. This is NOT my being combative, or belligerent! Honest mistakes HAPPEN, people! Distraction, misrecognizing, etc ALL happen! Why in the world do people get SO INCENSED over a verbal mistake? Apparently the one who spoke, did so without really thinking about it, AND APOLOGIZED! GET OVER IT! Mistakes HAPPEN! Should someone miscall me by a feminine pronoun, or some OTHER name, I DON’T fly off the handle, stomp out, and fume! It was a MISTAKE! Period!


It was not a mistake. She called a man in a dress, Sir. A mistake would be if she called him a Madam.


AAAAHHHHhahahahahahahahahah, cough, choke, gag, fa*t, burp, shart, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


The Tower of Babble has apparently been re-constructed.

Mountain man

What a dam joke these sick people have made our “ government “


They are talking about respect and dignity while a man in a dress is throwing a hissy fit.


What does it say for this person on birth record?
That’s what this person is mo matter what that person wants to change operationally


If a mentally deranged person decides to be a lamp, I’m not going to call him bright. It’s choice, not mine

Donald Cook

I don’t think we need any transgender, people in our Government.


No such thing as a trans person! You were created male or female at birth by GOD and you cannot change that!

dianna c

mmm wonder why they are called dumbocrats


HE was not misgendered. HE is a male, HE can woman face all HE wants and dress like a woman, that willl NEVER make HIM a female. The people of this nation need to stop this insanity and not support their mental illness.

Lorraine E Blazich

There is no such thing as transgender. God created us as either male or female and that cannot be changed.


But they is a he.

Sharon King

I’m sure this isn’t the first time he/she has been misgendered. What do they expect? Grow up and act like an adult.
