Democrat Steal Begins in Texas After Mysterious Move

In what promises to be a tumultuous election year, the Democrats seem to be laying the groundwork for yet another dubious victory in the upcoming 2024 elections. While many people are focused on other pressing issues, a recent revelation has brought an alarming trend to light—a surge in mysterious voter registrations that could tip the scales in favor of the Democrats.

Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote sounded the alarm bells, shedding light on a concerning surge in Texas voter registrations since the beginning of 2024. The numbers are staggering, with 1.7 million new voter registrations recorded in Texas since the last presidential election. This spike raises questions about the legitimacy of these registrations and whether they could potentially influence the election outcomes.

Engelbrecht didn’t mince words when she hinted at the possibility that a significant portion of these registrations could be linked to illegal aliens, casting a shadow of doubt over the integrity of the electoral process. The implications of such a revelation are profound, as the impact of non-citizen interference in elections could undermine the very foundation of democracy.

What makes this revelation even more alarming is the response from Texas officials, who swiftly issued statements attempting to downplay the significance of the surge in voter registrations. The discrepancies between the numbers reported by the Social Security Administration and the state authorities only serve to heighten suspicions surrounding the transparency and accuracy of voter registration processes.

Engelbrecht’s warning that this issue could become the sleeper hit of 2024 rings true, signaling a potential crisis in the making. With election integrity already under scrutiny and trust in the democratic process eroding, the revelations of mass voter registrations raise urgent concerns about the sanctity of the electoral system.

As the nation hurtles towards another pivotal election cycle, the spotlight on voter registrations and potential manipulation underscores the need for heightened vigilance and accountability in safeguarding the democratic rights of the American people. The stakes are high, and the fate of the nation’s future hangs in the balance as the intricate web of electoral intrigue unfolds.

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It could also be due to all the people that have moved to Texas. People have been fleeing democrat run cities and states. Now that would explain for some of the surge. But since the 2020 election people have become extremely skeptical.


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check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

Every registration needs to be proven to be a citizen and legal resident.


Correct. Citizen ID at registration is as critical as at voting. If they can’t clean that up in time in Texas (and other states) then they definitly need to have citizen ID confirmation at the polls. Add in a law allowing those trying to vote without a valid citizen ID to be arrested and deported (if illegal alien).


Not 1.2 million!


I think democrats have been gathering names and signatures from illegals to use for ballot harvesting.

the Rebel

The Obama/Soros Plan is to bring the USA to 3rd world status. Jose Bidumb is merely the puppet boy for this active plan and #44 is the Circus ringleader serving his 3rd term !!!!

Jay Stephen

This is why in-person on election day with proof of citizenship plus one other government issued ID is so necessary and the outlawing of mail-in voting and the outlawing of voting and tabulating machines.

Ron C

Yes, it should be that way to vote, but it is not because the elections are fraudulent with the court’s blessings! Third world 100%


“REAL ID” It’s the law!


Like past history shows the GOP will sleep thru this warning as they like to do nothing. Still trying to determine just way percentage of the GOP is really republicans.

Ron C

Well, there you go, the Texas republican party has already sold out the citizens for a few bucks from the democrat party, and no doubts the courts have taken the bribes also!


A study done anonymously of illegals found 38% admitted that they were registered to vote. Aprox 18% of illegals (in this poll) admitted that they actually voted for Obama. (more recent numbers have not been disclosed), actual numbers of illegals are between 30-50 million, maybe that is how Biden got over 70 million votes.

Last edited 11 months ago by tedscott4

It’s called Govt. Issue “REAL ID”. The law has been in place since 2015. Nine years later, the law has not been met.

Neil Glenn

Speaking of Social Security, an EASY way to check those registrations is to check SS credits for work done. If there is NO record prior to 2020 and the would-be voter is over 25, say, this MAY be an indication of NOT being a bonafide US citizen (green-card holders are NOT eligible to vote), not to mention he/she may not be possessing a birth-certificate testifying their birth-place!

Some states’ Driver’s Licenses may be duplicated, especially as several states hand them out like Halloween candy! ID checking is useless if these non-citizen D/Ls are used, useless unless birth is confirmed, or immigrant status!

Current Tx D/Ls have surface embossing (not printing) that is fairly easily seen, can be felt, and other hard-to-fake features. And, being verified with required birth certificates, they are a testament to US citizenship! I hope other states adopt similar features! Perhaps a large red transparent “X” across the front for non-citizens to differentiate?


Gov. Brown is missing in action on this.


Who is Gov. Brown? what state is he the Gov, of?

Laslo Hollifeld

Censorship even here ????
