Democrat Claims Crushed: Kamala Harris Exposed as Descendant of ‘Notorious’ Slave Owners!

New revelations about Kamala Harris’s ancestry are causing quite the political stir. According to a bombshell report, Harris is reportedly a descendant of Irish slave owners, a fact that seems to flip the narrative Democrats have been pushing with the grace of an Olympic gymnast.

The juicy details come courtesy of genealogical research which suggests that while Harris has long celebrated her diverse heritage—Indian and Jamaican—a lesser-known chapter of her family history involves Irish slave owners. Specifically, Harris’s great-great-great-grandfather, Hamilton Brown, was an Irishman who owned slaves in Jamaica during the 19th century. The same Hamilton Brown after whom the Jamaican town of Brown’s Town is named. Talk about historical irony!

This revelation comes at an awkward time for the Democratic Party, which has been vocal about racial justice, reparations, and addressing historical injustices. It’s like finding out your vegan friend has a secret stash of bacon in their fridge. Awkward, to say the least.

In the realm of politics, where every revelation is a potential weapon, this newfound genealogy has Republicans rubbing their hands with glee. It adds a new layer of complexity to Harris’s public persona and raises questions about the narratives we often take at face value. Imagine the campaign ads: “Kamala Harris, fighting for racial justice…descendant of slave owners.” It’s the kind of twist that makes PR teams sweat bullets.

But let’s not lose our sense of humor here, folks. In a way, this revelation is a reminder of the tangled web of history that many of us carry in our DNA. It’s like that moment on a genealogy show when the host reveals a shocking ancestor, and the guest’s jaw hits the floor. History isn’t just black and white; it’s a messy kaleidoscope of interconnected stories.

So, what does this mean for Harris and the Democrats? Well, it’s certainly a curveball, but politics is nothing if not full of them. Harris’s team has yet to comment on these findings, likely mulling over the best way to address or perhaps sidestep the issue altogether.

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Roger Moen

What have her distant relatives have to do with anything today?


My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for $9,500. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was…
Do this instead———————>>> ­­W­­e­­b­­i­­n­­c­­o­­m­­e­­5­­4­­4­­.­­b­­l­­o­­g­­s­­p­­o­­t­­.­­­­C­­o­­m­­­­

Last edited 8 months ago by Alena

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The point is, SHE LIED!


same as my relatives, NOTHING. I don’t owe anyone reparations AND you better leave me alone….

The Rebel

Print the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Open your eyes so you can see it – DUH!


The moment I heard she’d be VP, I spread this news far and wide. See CD KERCHNER. Unfortunately, too many people have short memories.


