Crybaby Dems Moan and Groan Over Governor Greg Abbott’s Christmas Present to Kamala

The Biden regime’s handling of the migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border is nothing short of a disgrace. While Joe Biden has promised to reform the immigration system, Kamala Harris has done little to address the root causes of the influx of migrants at the border. She’s done little to address much of anything that’s going on in this country. She has basically just been given a free ride to a six-figure income for the rest of her life and she doesn’t do anything to earn it.

The situation at the border has been exacerbated by the Biden regime’s rollback of Trump-era policies, which has resulted in a surge of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally. Again, Harris has done nothing to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty, violence and corruption. So, Republicans, being sick and tired of the crisis have started taking action, just like Texas Governor Greg Abbott has done by sending the immigrants to liberal cities around the country.

He did it again, this time on Christmas Eve and Democrats strongly criticized him for transporting illegal migrants to the Washington, D.C. home of Kamala Harris in below freezing temperatures, according to The Hill.

White House assistant press secretary Abdullah Hasan stated, “Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt.”

The incident was part of an effort by Abbott and other Republican governors to protest the Biden regime’s immigration policy. Three buses filled with migrants arrived outside the vice president’s official residence in below freezing weather, and the migrants were taken to a church to receive assistance from the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network.

A volunteer from the organization said, “it really does show the cruelty behind Gov. Abbott in his insistence on continuing to bus people here without care.” New York Representative Ritchie Torres tweeted that Governor Abbott “claims to be a ‘pro-life Christian’ yet shows no regard for the lives of children left shivering in the freezing cold on Christmas Eve. Dropping off migrants in 18 degree weather is so cruel that it ought to be criminal.”

Republican governors have argued that the tactic highlights the difficulties faced by border communities and forces northern cities and states to address the crisis that they claim they helped create.

Photo Credit: NextNewsNetwork
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Send a bus load to every ‘effing elected Dem


Start gluing pacifiers in place to shut down these whiny children.


These are invaders of our country. What Abbot is doing is not what I recommend in that they should be met on this side of the border with gun fire like you should with a alien invading army.




When will there be an investigation into the Clintons, Gore, Kerrey, and Obama/Biden to inestigate all the corrutions of their times.

Tom Donaldson



Too bad it will never happen . They should all be hanged and broadcast all over the world, especially the pos kenyan

Ron C

Keep sending them to democrat run cities, they are the ones promising the world to the invaders

Proud Patriot

Send the invaders to Fraud Biden’s home state!

Proud Patriot

What is a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt is for Fraud Biden’s open borders!!


Texas is overwhelmed by these people. We’ve had freezing temperature down here, also. We cannot take care of the huge numbers of people that are being allowed to just walk across the border. If you don’t like Gov Abbott sending them to other states (mostly to border crisis deniers), then get on the phone and tell your elected representatives that make the laws, who are sitting around doing nothing as the laws in place are being discarded, to fix the problem. And amnesty is not an option.

Stephen Russell

We can always Send in More OK


Well, now! It is perfectly OK for the feds to bus immigrants into our interior as they recently did at our airport in Greenville, SC at 4:00 AM, but Obama and his cohorts in Martha’s Vineyard will have none of it because it interferes their daily champagne brunch. It is a different story when Biden and his many co-idiots bus them into other cities in the middle of the night. I am totally in favor of sending 10,000 immigrants each to Wilmington, DE, Denver, Chicago, the Big Apple, Madison Wisconsin,, LA and Frisco, Boston and Phoenix.

Sandra Lee Smith

CA gets their own through Tijuana & a couple more POEs there; shipping more just hurts the taxpayers who didn’t vote for this either, the people who don’t live in LA & SFO.


But remember that California voters keep electing democrats into office.

Sandra Lee Smith

Kamala should br happy we’re sending the border to her since she can’t seem to find time to come down & deal with it HERE! But nooo.. she just shoves it off on some NGO to deal with, so she won”t hsve to soil her hands. Time to cut off her salsry & demand she repay the past 23 mos’ pay; she’s done nothing to earn a red cent of tax payer monies!


They claim Abbott of the exact same things as the Democrats have done. Other governors and Mayors cry at the drop of a hat about the inability to handle the influx of migrants when it is a minute portion of those that illegally crossed.


Fk the dims. Those anti American pos should all be shot. They are all worthless and it’s too bad their mothers didn’t abort everyone of them


You forget that the malfunctioning meat puppet biden starved babies of U.S. citizens of baby formula, but the illegals had plenty for their babies.

Susan Ifland

Why is my comment awaiting approval? I did not say anything that is not true! Are we being censored now?


Since Mohammed refuses to go to the mountain, the mountains go to Mohammed.


WHY is S(HE) CRYING ? Isn’t the BORDER SECURE ?????? , or , perhaps they are just ” BORDER INVADER FAIRIES “….

  1. The Migrants would have been quite warm on Christmas, if they had stayed in Mexico, Guatemala,etc.
  2. Why didn’t Kamala invite them in to her mansion to sit around the fire with her?
  3. Please, Please, stop calling them Migrants. Migrants apply for admission to the US to pick fruits and vegetables and earn money to send to their families across the border. They are approved to be here for a certain time and receive a Green Card showing that they are here legally. At the end of their approved time, they go back home.
  4. These people are invaders, breaking the immigration laws when they cross the border, and they are felons.
  5. Most of the invaders are young males, not families and they sometimes kidnap children to come with them so they are automatically allowed to stay.
  6. When democrats in Blue states and cities including Kamala, do nothing about the illegal immigrants, they need to also suffer the consequences, as Texas and Arizona, etc. are saddled with.
  7. Evil actions and just plain stupidity have consequences.
Pete Ashley

Close the Border or send the illegals to cities run by dimocrates.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pete Ashley