China Gives Republicans More Dirt on Bidens

China’s latest move to expose Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with its state-owned energy companies is a clear sign of its intention to pressure and blackmail President Joe Biden, who has been weak and indecisive on confronting the communist regime.

According to a report by The Washington Times, two Republican senators, Ron Johnson and Charles Grassley, obtained bank records from Cathay Bank, a Chinese-American bank with offices in China, that show millions of dollars flowing from Chinese companies to Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden.

The bank records show that CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, wired $1 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture owned by Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a business associate of CEFC’s founder and chairman, Ye Jianming.

Another Chinese company, Northern International Capital Holdings, which is also linked to CEFC and the CCP, wired $5 million to Hudson West III. The money was then used to fund a $4.8 million wire transfer from Hudson West III to Hunter Biden’s companies Owasco P.C. and Owasco LLC, and Lion Hall Group, a company owned by James Biden.

The Cathay Bank records also show that Hudson West III paid Hunter Biden a $500,000 retainer fee plus $100,000 per month, while James Biden was paid $65,000 per month. The transactions took place between August 2017 and October 2018, after Joe Biden left the Obama administration and was preparing for his presidential run.

These revelations are shocking and disturbing for several reasons. First, they confirm that Hunter Biden and his family were cashing in on Joe Biden’s influence and access to foreign leaders, especially those of America’s adversaries. Second, they expose the extent of Hunter Biden’s involvement with CEFC, a company that was sanctioned by the US government for its role in advancing China’s military and geopolitical ambitions. Third, they suggest that China was using Hunter Biden as a conduit to influence and compromise Joe Biden, who has been soft on China throughout his political career.

It is no coincidence that Cathay Bank, which is based in Los Angeles but has offices in China, was the only American bank that voluntarily turned over the bank records requested by the senators. Every other American bank denied their requests for financial records. This indicates that Cathay Bank was acting under pressure or instruction from the Chinese government, which wanted to send a message to Joe Biden that it has the goods on him and his son.

This is a classic tactic of blackmail and intimidation that China has used against other foreign leaders and officials who have crossed its interests. By leaking Hunter Biden’s bank records, China is warning Joe Biden that it can expose more of his son’s dirty secrets at any time, and that he better toe the line on issues such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, human rights, trade, and COVID-19.

This is a serious threat to America’s national security and democracy. Joe Biden cannot be trusted to stand up to China when he is beholden to its money and influence. He has already shown signs of weakness and appeasement towards Beijing, such as rejoining the WHO without demanding accountability for its role in covering up the pandemic, lifting sanctions on Iranian oil exports that benefit China, and downplaying China’s genocide of Uyghurs as a “cultural norm”.

We need a president who will confront China with strength and resolve, not one who will cower and capitulate under its pressure. We need a president who will put America first, not one who will sell out America for his son’s profit. We need a president who will protect our values and interests, not one who will endanger them for his family’s benefit.

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John Wood

Biden and the Democraps, the best politicians money can buy.


Perhaps the most influence politician money can buy, but

There are always BETTER POLITICIANS in the wings with their open hands reaching out.


Mike, great work. I applaud your efforts enormously because I presently make more than $36,000 each month from just one straightforward online company! You may begin creating a steady online income with as little as $29,000, and these are only the most basic internet operations jobs.
Alternate the connection————————————>>>


Minor correction: The DIRTIEST politicians that DIRTY MONEY can buy!!

Stephen Russell

To prosecute the Bidens??




Never happen, they are democrats!


No truer comment made!


Is China having buyers remorse?


No. Apparently, they’re supporting another candidate, either a democrat or a RINO that China already knows it can influence. If it’s a RINO, it will be the most popular one. It could be any democrat, maybe even one from Biden’s staff who China knows is corrupted.

j. r. jUSTICE

Intentionally Ignorant Liberal !!!!

Joe Rogere

Not really; just another way for them to create chaos in the U.S. Their hope is to take over a the world’s only superpower. And Democraps are helping them out in every way. Our country is weaker now than it’s been since the Revolution. And what does the regime do? Push for transgender military and tear down the economy.


Biden stinks! He’s a lousy president, in addition to being a traitor to the government of the United States! I needs to get dethroned, and the sooner the better!! The United States of America will be better off without him!

Robert Richey

I agree but Biden has about as much say-so of what’s happening in our country than I do.

j. r. jUSTICE

Liberal Mongering Hypocrites !!!!!

Danna Templeton

The WORST so-called president in History. Trying to do good only for his family, party of dems..

Susan Ifland

Compromised! Impeach him now!


This lying,incompetent,failure,and traitor ot america, can not remain in power,he is a danger to all of us,and our national security. He totally,mentally disabled, and has no bussiness running the country.impeach now..

Robert Richey

I doubt Stupid Joe is running anything so the real traitors need to be exposed and taken out Arkanside style. That would be a whole lot of “accidents”.


Call HillBillery, they have the perfect record for disappearing folk!


very expensive DEMENTIA crats!


yellow money for yellow belly TRAITORS


Lock up all bidens. Obviously a crime family


This garbage makes Nixon a Saint.


Replace Biden with Nixon, neither are alive, but just the name ‘Nixon’ might slow down WWIII!


I wonder if someone made China a better offer?

Gideon Rockwell

I think that picture says it all.


Now what are you going to do about it.

the old marine

We all know this , so what will happen now? Nothing, they will all go to White house for tax payers fancy dinner or fly some where on airforce 1. They will be rewarded like the rest of the crooks.

Stephen Russell

If true & usable then Use OK


Crooked Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor Joe “Big Guy” of the Biden Crime Family has become a senile mumbling, bumbling Puppet-In-Chief who just gotta go. ASAP!!!


AAAHHHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, choke, cough, gag, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Joe Biden cannot be trusted to stand up to China when he is beholden to its money and influence.” Ya think?

What semi-sane curious minds want to know is, What Has Joltin’ Joe Been Doing ‘FOR’ China and All Those Other Countries That Have Made His Family Multi Millionaires? Treason seems the least possible conclusion anyone can come to!
