BREAKING: Major Update in Seth Rich Murder Mystery

After years of the DOJ and FBI playing hide and seek with the truth, a federal judge has finally said, “Enough with the shenanigans!” and ordered them to hand over evidence related to the Seth Rich case. Oh, and they’ve got just over a week left to do it.

Remember Seth Rich? The former DNC staffer who was tragically murdered in 2016? Some folks believe he may have been the source of those pesky DNC and Podesta emails that found their way to WikiLeaks. It’s a theory that’s been dismissed, ridiculed, and buried under a mountain of Russia collusion narratives. But now it seems the truth might finally have a chance to claw its way out from under all the misinformation.

Let’s rewind a bit. Our story involves a bulldog lawyer named Ty Clevenger, who has been doggedly pursuing the truth behind the leaked DNC and Podesta emails. If Russia didn’t supply those emails to WikiLeaks (and by the way, why has the FBI never asked WikiLeaks about the email source?), then the whole Russia collusion narrative crumbles like a stale cookie.

For years, the FBI and DOJ have been denying any connection to Seth Rich. They’ve even tried to bury information about him for an absurd 66 years. That’s right, folks; they wanted us to wait until the year 2088 to learn the truth. But Judge Amos L. Mazzant wasn’t having any of that nonsense. He’s ruled that the FBI must turn over Seth Rich’s personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD, and a thumb drive within 14 days.

What will this evidence reveal? We can’t say for sure, but one thing is clear: the truth can’t be silenced forever. As Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene confirmed on X (the artist formerly known as Twitter), the wheels of justice are finally turning. The truth might be uncomfortable, it might challenge our preconceived notions, and it might make some powerful people very nervous. But isn’t that what justice is all about?

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Yeah, its all fine and “peachy”, but none of the perps are in jail yet.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia
Jersey Prophet

Does anyone think the FBI will hand over an intact hard drive from Seth Rich’s computer? They are likely the ones who did the BleachBit job on the Clinton woman’s iPhones.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jersey Prophet

The DOJ, and FBI need to be destroyed.


IT is the Dept. of JUST US (communist) the FIBbers are now the GESTAPO


This FBI has turned into bad actors. I guess that is why CBS added the new show,True FBI to try to build up their reputation.


we know they were bad on Nov. 22 1963. You remember, the insurrection we still know so little about, but see IT was not Oswald that destroyed the school system, the black family unit and started the unGREATful SOCIETY that has cost Amerika $23 trillion and counting……

Jack Powers III

Oh, So True!

Rebecca Holstine

Welll for some reason my comment is waiting for approval. We will see if it gets approved.

Vito Giotta

WHO ? is this being turned over too ?


I’m sure that all related evidence to Mr. Rich’s death will, unfortunately, be ‘lost’ before it can be reviewed by the Committee — just like Hilary’s e-mail servers, Jeffrey Epstein’s jail videos and his ‘Lolita Island’ blackmail videos, the J5 ‘mystery bomber’ videos, the J6 videos and witness dispositions, etc.. Notice a pattern here?

Walter Cronkite

WONDERFUL NEWS, Letas expose the Marxist Democrat Crime Family, and see what involvement Hillary had in this matter. Crooked to the core, and owned by China and Globalist money


Why can’t I share this on Twitter?
