BREAKING: GOP House Majority in Grave Danger After Unexpected Exit

Oh, the drama on Capitol Hill could give your favorite prime-time soap opera a run for its money, couldn’t it? Just when you thought the Republican majority in the House was as stable as a three-legged chair, another twist comes along to shake things up. This time, it’s U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) deciding to throw in the towel early, announcing his resignation effective April 19, 2024.

Gallagher, who apparently had enough of the political circus after facing backlash for his vote against impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, decided to pack up his things earlier than expected. “After conversations with my family,” he says, as if this plot twist wasn’t juicy enough already. He’s not just any congressman either; he’s the one leading the charge against the Chinese Communist Party from his throne as the chair of the House Select Committee on the subject. Talk about leaving in the middle of the battle.

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the irony here. Gallagher’s departure is not just a simple adieu. It’s putting the GOP House majority on the edge of a knife. With him gone, the Republicans are left clinging to a razor-thin majority of 217-213. That’s right, they can only afford to lose one vote or have one member playing hooky if they want to pass anything. And given the current state of affairs, that’s like trying to thread a needle while riding a roller coaster.

Let’s not forget the cherry on top of this chaotic sundae: the expulsion of Rep. George Santos (R-NY). Ah, George, whose saga of allegations and drama could fill a book, was shown the door by his own party, a move as rare as seeing a unicorn in your backyard. His seat was snatched up by a Democrat, further narrowing the GOP’s margin for error.

And if you’re thinking, “Well, at least it can’t get worse,” think again. Kevin McCarthy, Ken Buck, and Bill Johnson also decided to jump ship early, leaving their seats up for grabs in special elections. Because, why not add a bit more suspense to the mix?

The GOP’s hold on the House is as precarious as ever, and with every unexpected exit, the plot thickens. Will they manage to keep their majority, or will this be the twist that turns the tide? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: politics is never boring.

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WHEN will the stupidity of the GOP end? Right or mostly wrong Dems stick together like glue of they lose campaign funds from the DNC.
Republicans continue to tail to do so and thus they keep losing when it matters.


IT has been the EVIL party VS the STUPID party for years. When will the RED states separate from the evil empire is the question. A 2nd Amend. is useless to all cowards


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

How much are the dems paying these people to quit?


Greene and her cohorts are not helping the situation with their petty BS!


I’d prefer five or ten Greenes for every mccarthy, ryan, or romney that “the G.O.P. had” in Congress


RED states need to separate from this evil empire. should have left LONG ago


stealing and wasting MY money is not petty, neither is my paying taxes and being stolen from


When the going gets tough, the GOP leaves. . . . .how sad is that? We need some good people to be in the fight. . . what has happened to the people in this country???

Jesse Atwell

The problem is that Dem’s that couldn’t get elected suddenly switched to being Repub’s. The truth is that many of the Repub;s in congress are not really Repub’s. They are a fifth column sent into office by underhanded Dem donors like Soros. Those who are still Republican can not ever attain a majority with unscrupulous RINO members in their midst. It’s the RINO’s stupid. We’ve allowed them into the party under the guise of moderation. Moderation has never worked for any party. Purge the party or just go home..

Mary C. Seader

The Republican Executive Committees should do a better job of vetting new comers!


Amerikan patriots need to be building guillotines…. ammo is for the communist


These RINO’s are actually dems in disguise infiltrating the Republican party to alter critical votes

John F Edwards

Or just do no business or social activities with these truly evil people.


haul the fed out of congress


Without the Dems and their RINOs (“the Swamp”), the Fed would have been audited decades ago.

Mountain man

I wouldn’t go near Washington D.C. for fear of one of those thieves in a suit stealing my wallet and if you are within a mile of Washington D.C. you can already smell the deep stink of government


so, YOU are clueless to them doing it by FIAT ? There are many just like you in Amerika

Stephen Russell

Get it together GOP or MAGA GOP Now


Down with gutless RINOs!


I guess Amerika has another Paul RINO in the speaker’s chair. Writing HOT checks for a senile old child sniffing tyrant
