Biden Threatens SCOTUS During State of Union Address

Joe Biden, once again proved that subtlety isn’t exactly his strong suit. During his recent State of The Union address, Biden seemed to issue a veiled threat to the Supreme Court over their ruling on Roe V. Wade. “And with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power. Excuse me, electoral or political power,” he said. “You’re about to realize just how much you…” And then came the deafening cheers from his fellow Democrats, drowning out the end of his statement.

Now, I’m no lawyer, but that sounds a lot like a threat to me. But hey, what do I know? I just believe in the Constitution and the separation of powers. Silly me for thinking that the President of the United States should respect the independence of the judiciary, right?

The Supreme Court is set to make some crucial rulings that could derail the left-wing’s attempts to take down former President Donald Trump. They’re looking at Trump’s presidential immunity argument and the validity of “obstruction of an official proceeding” charges. You know, the felony that’s been used to jail hundreds of January 6 protesters who would otherwise be charged with misdemeanors.

It’s pretty clear that the Democrats and their pals in the activist community are desperate to see Trump convicted of a crime before the 2024 election. But the Supreme Court might just throw a wrench in their plans. Oh, the horror!

And let’s not forget Biden’s portrayal of his political opponent as a “threat to democracy.” According to him, the minor riot on January 6 was the greatest “threat to America” since the Civil War. Well, that’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think? Last time I checked, a small group of protesters doesn’t quite compare to a full-blown civil war. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good narrative?

So, there you have it. Yet another episode of “Biden Says the Darndest Things.” Whether he’s threatening the Supreme Court or exaggerating threats to our democracy, one thing’s for sure: Biden sure knows how to keep us entertained. And by entertained, I mean horrified at the state of our nation’s leadership.

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big burly

Horrified indeed


He is openly displaying his DICTATORSHIP!


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Last edited 10 months ago by Julia
The Rebel

He is clueless as to what he was yelling about——————-


Joe Biden is a very NASTY, pathetic person I Don’t consider him a PRESIDENT


Thank you, Renee, for recognizing that Joe Biden is one unlikable “human being.” Has been for his entire life.

Happy Warrior

He was selected, not elected so he really isn’t anyone’s POTUS.



Happy Warrior

Biden is a fool with Marxist tendencies & because he has presidential power & those tendencies, he is very dangerous.

Capt Rich

He is a mutt and won’t be long he will be in prison


or dead


The Dems have already made it clear that they intend on packing the Court, so watch out.

Duane Adams

He wants court like old Queen Isabella of Spain had. They could only rule according to her wishes. That’s not the kind of court that would or could judge fairly or justly.


jellyfish biden is about to feel the whole affect of the american people for threatning scotus. lock and load
