Biden Reveals Secret Weapon to Win 2024 Election

Oh, boy, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a bumpy ride on the campaign trail! It seems like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have decided to pull out the big guns in their re-election efforts, launching a new initiative to woo the LGBTQ+ community. Dubbed “Out for Biden-Harris,” this campaign is not just a shout into the void; it’s a full-blown megaphone announcement declaring LGBTQ+ voters as “a force to be reckoned with.” You heard that right, and it’s about as subtle as a parade float at Mardi Gras.

With approval ratings that are more underwater than a submarine with a screen door, Biden’s team is scrambling faster than eggs on a Sunday morning. They’re pulling out all the stops, hoping to secure another term in the White House despite facing historic low approval ratings. And who can blame them? When you’re sitting at a 31% approval rating, it’s time to start looking for friends in any corner you can find them.

Enter “Out for Biden-Harris,” a nationwide effort to mobilize LGBTQ+ voters and community members across the country. According to Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden-Harris 2024 campaign manager, these voters were crucial to their victory in 2020 and will be just as important come this November. The campaign even released a video where Harris reminds us that “rights are won only by those who make their voices heard.” Inspirational? Sure. Enough to sway the masses? Nah.

The Biden-Harris administration is branding itself as “the most pro-LGBTQ+ in history.” Yet, with all this fanfare and rallying of troops, one has to wonder: is this enough to overcome the hurdles of high inflation rates, economic dissatisfaction, and the looming specter of former President Donald Trump on the horizon? It’s no secret that LGBTQ+ Americans have a lot at stake in this election, but with the Biden-Harris campaign putting all their eggs in this basket, it begs the question: will it be enough?

As we inch closer to November, the Biden-Harris team is betting big on the LGBTQ+ community. But will it be enough to save their campaign? I doubt it, and let’s hope I’m right for everyone’s sake.

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The mentally deranged people already will be voting for Biden They must really be worried if they are targeting their base


From a man that has trouble walking, talking and remembering what day he is in?????? Surely thou jests you FOOL!!!!!

the Rebel

Everything I write gets blocked by the Communist website monitors—–

Charles Covington

Why, do you censor, common folk that has an opinion.


That’s part of the plan, to censor things that they don’t want others to see and perhaps make an intelligent decision.


You just like to whine.


Are there really enough votes in the so called LGBTQ community to make a difference? Are Biden and Harris willing to alienate everyone else in America? He has already disparaged the Christian community with his dismissal of Easter.

Dave Fischer

His secret weapon? CHEAT……. Anyway he can…….


He has lost the Christian, black and Latino communities so far so he has found another minority to try to woo. The democrat administration is just laughable. Hopefully the LGBTQ community won’t fall for it.

Last edited 10 months ago by American

Be careful what YOU cheat for, YOU just might elect it. Sooner or later it will come and bite YOU on the arse. Biden it will be to late…


Let’s pray the “woke” WAKE UP!!!!!


What are they going to do? Give them all 1000 ballot papers each to fill in, they are going to have to dig up the LGBQ+ dead, even this won’t be enough to make any difference to the end result, the LGBQ+ are not effected by inflation and the border problems. Biden’s campaign team, is totally insane????

Tony Bell

Democrats have show the world who they are, what they support, and how they disregard values and tradition to get their way. Democrats are being rejected at every turn, so there is still hope for America.

the Rebel

Awaiting approval from the Communist party??


Don’t worry. The Rabid Democrats will find enough dead, dying and illegals to pad their vote. And if that isn’t enough, Fulton and Maricopa Counties will manufacture enough fraud ballots to push yet another maniac into the WH and complete the destruction of America.


Same weapon they used in 2020 and 2022. Blatant election CHEATING!


I always wondered who could have voted for Obama for his second term , after 4 years of really nothing and him and his “wife” just hanging out with celebrities. The democrats winning elections by fraud has been going on for many decades.



So what type of voter/election fraud will it be this time, joey? 81 legit votes for you??? in 2020. Not a chance.

Happy Warrior

His secret weapon is the same as 2020, CHEATING!
