Biden Caught Funneling Money to Central America

The Biden regime’s attempt to tackle illegal immigration by sending $4.2 billion in aid to Central American countries is a misguided and inefficient plan that fails to address the underlying issues of illegal immigration. Rather than providing short-term solutions such as workforce development programs or clean energy infrastructure, the administration has overlooked the true drivers of illegal immigration, including political instability, organized crime, and lack of economic opportunity.

The funds allocated through the Central America Forward framework are not being used to offer lasting financial security for those seeking asylum and refuge from their home nations. UASID and the Central America Service Corps are offering young people paid community service opportunities instead of long-term job prospects and economic stability. This lack of commitment towards more comprehensive solutions is a disservice to those who are struggling due to poverty and violence in their home countries.

Furthermore, these government funds could be better utilized for initiatives such as creating safe pathways for refugees, increasing access to educational resources, or strengthening efforts against organized crime. These measures could be complemented by increased diplomatic efforts in Central American countries in order to ensure greater regional stability and lasting security for citizens of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Such steps would require a greater sense of urgency from both sides of the aisle if they are ever going to move beyond mere token gestures towards addressing illegal immigration.

This lack of real action has been reflected in recent immigration data from The Federation for American Immigration Reform, 5.5 million migrants have crossed into the United States under the Biden administration, while 113 known or suspected terrorists have crossed in fiscal year 2021 and 2022 alone.

To make matters worse, migrant deaths surpassed 856 in fiscal year 2022, marking it as one of deadliest periods on record. In short, these investments do nothing to stop those who attempt to cross over into the United States illegally. Instead, they only send a message that there are incentives for doing so, ultimately leading to more migrants attempting dangerous crossings across our borders.

Rather than wasting billions of taxpayer dollars sending money abroad with little guarantee of success, we should focus on reforming our own immigration system here at home. Empowering officers to enforce already existing federal law can help prevent resolve this problem in a hurry.

More resources need to be devoted towards humanitarian aid within our own country. Inflation has reached unprecedented levels this past year alone with food prices increasing 9.1%, meat prices rising 11.7% and dairy prices rising 13.5%. By investing more heavily in local aid efforts rather than abroad initiatives with no tangible results, we can begin to alleviate issues related to illegal immigration while providing much needed support domestically.

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You know he got a share!

Ruby Corbin Courey

Yep…you bet he’s lined his pockets!


And if you had an IQ Above a Single digit,you would know anything Demorats do is for THEM not the Country


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Alternate the connection————————————>>>

Last edited 7 months ago by Julia

The Dem process – throw money at it.


laundering YOUR tax money? Still believe you are free in Amerika? lol


Laundering “YOUR tax money”? Please explain your post and precisely what you are alleging.

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william russell jr

Biden wants to raise the debt ceiling so more money can be spent and now we find out he sent millions of dollars to countries to help them to provide jobs. Biden how about stopping the spending and take of Americans first. How about American’s first.


The Clinton, NAFTA Trade deal of the 1990’s was supposed to do this very thing. Give jobs to poor countries to lift them out of poverty and put them on a more even footing with the US. All that really happened was the manufacturing jobs in the US were given Government tax incentives to move to foreign countries. They have cheaper labor and lower costs but still charged Americans higher prices. They got rich, more donations to the Democrats, and we got the shaft.


Impeachment time — he has earned it


We do not owe these countries ANYTHING. Why are we handing them money we don’t have????


Ah, another expert in Geopolitics!
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because you are a coward that can’t read nor understand the 2nd Amendment. My ancestors left the “union” because of 1 illegal tax from the yankees. Today there are thousands of reasons to secede. Pick one

Gerald Ladd

We aren’t. Your mooron is.


Your Patriot Clash “non-journalists” are truly “as- wholes”.



Arrest this criminal NOW and his administration includes all involved obama soros gates bloomberg buffet other millionaires billionaires that are behind the curtain paying for the destruction of America Now


I fully agree with Lucy! They should all be in prison!

Gerald Ladd

Biden opened the border. This article is a joke!


Corn pop just does what he’s told. He has no idea what he signed ! This WH administration got to go,now!


Don’t blame Biden, he does not know what day it is, is practically “non compos mentis”
It is un-American activists in the shadows running the show. Is this the kind of administration you want?


This corrupt administration will give away our tax funds to anyone and everyone excluding Americans who were dumb enough to elect this fraudulent government into office.


IMO. Biden is rewarding the governments for sending their people to the USA. Those government politicos will put the money into their bank accounts. Of course, some of the money will go into Biden’s accounts in the Cayman Island banks. So, the billions are just more of our tax money being wasted.

Bob Marks

Biden’s answer to everything is to throw money at it!!! Why doesn’t he try to solve any problems???


That money should go towards paying down the National debt! All foreign aid should be stopped!
