Biden Admin Throws Israel Under the Bus

In a move that has left more than a few heads spinning, the Biden administration, in what can only be described as a bewildering display of TMI (too much information), has apparently decided to throw Israel under the bus. Following a significant explosion near Isfahan, Iran—an area known to be a hotbed for the Iranian nuclear weapons program—the Pentagon, in a jaw-dropping lapse of discretion (or is it?), pointed fingers at Israel for the attack.

Now, let’s get one thing straight. The Middle East is about as stable as a house of cards in a wind tunnel. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that publicly outing Israel’s involvement in the explosions is akin to throwing a lit match into a powder keg. Yet, here we are, watching the Biden regime do just that. Cue the facepalms.

The Iranian media, always quick on the draw, reported three major explosions in Isfahan, sending ripples of speculation across the globe. Initially, the Iranian regime played it cool, claiming their nuclear facilities were “fully safe” and that their air defense batteries had everything under control. But then, in a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood thriller, a Biden administration official spilled the beans to CNN, implicating Israel in the strike. Talk about a diplomatic faux pas.

Israeli officials, understandably, are scratching their heads over why the U.S. would decide to air their dirty laundry for all the world to see. The strategic implications of such a leak are monumental. Not only does it embarrass Iran (a feat in itself), but it also escalates tensions in a region that’s already a tinderbox waiting to explode. The question on everyone’s lips is: why would the Pentagon opt for this route, effectively putting Israel in the hot seat and lighting the fuse for further conflict?

Never underestimate the Biden regime’s ability to create chaos, folks. At home or abroad, it seems there’s no crisis they can’t exacerbate. One might argue that in the grand chess game of international politics, the Biden administration has just sacrificed a key pawn—Israel—for reasons only they can fathom.

In this high-stakes environment, the fallout from the Pentagon’s indiscretion could be far-reaching. As tensions mount and allies find themselves caught in the crossfire of political blunders, one has to wonder: what’s the endgame here? For Israel, caught in the glare of unwanted spotlight, and for Iran, now nursing a bruised ego alongside physical damage, the path forward is fraught with uncertainty.

As we sit back and watch this drama unfold, remember, loose lips don’t just sink ships; they can ignite wars. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail before this latest episode of “As the World Burns” gets a renewal for another season.

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Stephen Russell

Been Anti Israel day 1


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 11 months ago by Julia

Stupid and his handlers are simultaneously kissing up on both sides to bag both Jewish and radical left votes but disgusting everyone.

Ron C

And yet the Jewish Americans will continue to vote for Biden, why?

Wyatt Earp

They are the FOOLS JEWISH PEOPLE! In a way they denied Jesus Christ! Their heritage were the ones that put him on the cross!

jeff c

I read your article. WHY would you call Israel a “pawn?” China Joe should be called a pawn, because he just does what he’s told.

Gerald Ladd

Been Anti Israel day 1, just like Barry Obama!

Stand Up

Israel is not a pawn. On the global chess board, Israel is the Queen and protected by God.


Nothing in this socialist WH is an accident.


Why is this guy still in the peoples house…..he provers everyday how much he hates America and the people

Michael Paul Skok

I really don’t think Joe is there. It’s Obama who is pulling his strings.


What would you expect from a President that supports every “Abomination” the God of Israel condemns???

You don’t spit in the face of “GOD” and live very long, Kamela will be President by the time the election rolls around.


No cause she spits in GOD’S face dailey


Israel must take out its true enemies arming and funding Hamas and the Houthis, Iran and the Biden administration!


Has proven he is a pos over and over………get out of the peoples house you DO NOT belong there as you hate the people
