MSM Blackout Needs to Happen…Here’s Why

Professionals have long striven to analyze and treat mental illness. The magnitude of an individual’s degree of mental illness often depends on various circumstances.

Many emotionally challenged people act out in an effort to gain attention. This is somewhat like an emotionally immature child throwing a temper tantrum to get their way.

Some people never grow out of this damaging behavior. It morphs into what is referred to as “Histrionic Personality Disorder” (HPD). The condition is characterized by an unhealthy drive to constantly seek attention.

Psychology experts believe the condition can evolve from “a brain-wiring response to early developmental trauma caused by neglect.”

As America continues to mourn the tragic deaths of dozens of shooting victims, these comparisons are being made about those who commit these heinous crimes. What compels these lunatics to secure a weapon and open fire on innocent people? How can someone justify indiscriminately killing other people?

Some experts believe it’s a thirst for attention. These mentally unstable individuals are starved for attention. As they drift deeper into their mental illness, they realize one sure way to get that attention.

Kill those who they believe ignore them and get themselves plastered all over every television set and computer screen across the nation.

These crazy mass shooters, especially those who are shooting innocent children at our schools, are seeking attention. As soon as the smoke settles from another insane killing spree, a flood of media attention ensues.

These people get exactly what they want: publicity and fame! Liberal talk show host Bill Maher believes this is a huge part of the problem. Many experts agree.

If the media would stop glamorizing these horrific events, the appeal for public notoriety would be erased. Maher thinks we need to take drastic steps.

The HBO host thinks there needs to be an immediate blackout on media coverage of mass shootings. He believes the more media attention given to the killers, the greater the number of those who will be inspired to kill.

This seems like such a logical strategy. The more the drama-seeking media promotes this insanity, the more frequently these tragedies happen. To boost ratings, brainless media moguls are fueling a devastating crisis. If the news cycle would stop glorifying this insanity and the legal system would adequately punish those who kill, we might get a handle on this crisis and at the same time save lives.

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Last edited 1 year ago by juliansands

Finally a potentially good idea to address the shooting issue. Sick and tired of the worn out response out of the democrap camp. Nothing effective ever debated because as tragic as the shootings are, they are just political fodder for the anti gun crowd.


A few people who cover these types of “news” items have taken it on themselves to not name the culprits in these shootings. What might be the impact on the number and ferocity of such events if ALL media declined, or refused, to name the culprits and to not show their faces?


“Histrionic Personality Disorder” … LOL, LOL, LOL … and though I shouldn’t be laughing about it, I can’t help it, as its apparently affecting the whole Demoratic minority of our country.
