Joe Biden Celebrates a First for Any President in History…and It’s Not a Good Thing

When it comes to Joe Biden’s age and his potential eligibility for the presidency in 2024, there are many questions that must be taken into account. At 80 years old, Biden is already one of the oldest presidents in American history, and this has raised some concerns about his physical and mental stamina, as well as his cognitive abilities.

It is true that the demands of the office require a great deal of energy, focus, and decision-making skills to keep up with all of the tasks required by the president. With age often comes a decline in physical and mental stamina due to reduced ability to effectively process information as well as decreased memory retention. This can lead to errors in judgment or missteps when it comes to performing duties related to the presidency.

In an effort to reassure voters that he is still capable of carrying out these responsibilities, Biden has gone so far as to claim he feels 50 years old. However, at 80 years old, this claim is dubious at best, especially if we take into consideration any cognitive decline that may be associated with his age. If Biden’s cognitive abilities have been affected by age, it could directly impact his job performance or even his sanity. This should give pause to anyone considering supporting him for another term in office.

Furthermore, not only does age create issues related to physical/mental stamina and cognitive abilities; it can also affect other aspects of life such as medical conditions and mental health issues, all of which can limit a person’s ability to effectively serve as president. Age can also lead to increased complacency which can cause a person to become easily overwhelmed by various tasks or situations which could affect their job performance further down the line.

Overall, while Joe Biden may feel up for another run at the Presidency in 2024, whether or not he is truly fit for office will have to be carefully scrutinized before any decisions are made on his candidacy. Age should always be considered when looking at presidential eligibility since it might entail both physical and mental detriments that could put the country’s wellbeing at risk if left unchecked.

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Patricia Overbey

He is certainly mentally & physically unfit for the job along with Pa Senate Fetterman, These democrat’s certainly do not have our Country America ”s best interest at heart.


Nor do any of the Demonrats and RINOs. It’s all self interest.


and they are now voting for a Racist for Speaker of the Hiuse


No, they have a One World agenda that requires the destruction of this nation.


The worst in history!

Gerald Ladd

He was unhealthy the day he was born!!!!


Gerald you mean unhealthy for us and the nation don’t you?

jason George

It depends on how many votes Democrats think they can get away with this time. Since there were no consequences to 81 million laughable votes in 2020, he’ll likely get 100 million “votes” in 2024, whether he is conscious or not.

Last edited 1 year ago by jason George

And Lester Holt form NBC’s Nightly Snooze will stick his head up his “Biden” and ignor it




I think Biden will be drooling in his oatmeal and crapping his Depends LONG before then–and they can’t hide that! All those drugs they pumped him full of on his “vacation” may have produced some temporary improvement, but it never lasts long, and the process of dementia is irreversible and sooner or later will advance to the point they can no longer pretend ole Joe is A-OK.


Don’t worry your little heads about that. Biden won’t be making any decisions, like he hasn’t since he was elected. He is told what to do by his Barry Deep State handlers. The real problem is that he can’t keep on track and do exactly what he is told to do, and that is a problem for the tyrannists-in-chief behind him.

Sandra Smith

He wasn’t “fit” in ’20! Neither is Kamala.
