Ilhan Omar Shredded After Telling Crowd Who She REALLY Represents

Well, isn’t this a doozy? Ilhan Omar, the Minnesota “Squad” Congresswoman, has really put her foot in it this time. And by “it,” I mean a steaming pile of controversy. You see, Omar has decided that she’s in Congress to represent Somalia, not the good old U.S of A. Yeah, you read that right. But honestly, is it any surprise? This whole hullabaloo kicked off when Omar made a speech to a crowd of Somalians at a Minnesota hotel.

According to a translated video, our dear Congresswoman was all fire and brimstone about fighting for the interests of Somalia. She even went so far as to say that it’s up to the U.S to ensure that Somaliland, an unrecognized state in Africa, doesn’t receive formal recognition.

“The U.S government will only do what Somalians in the U.S tell them to do,” she declared. Well, isn’t that just a peachy notion? Since when did we start taking orders from other countries? Omar went on to use a genocidal phrase calling for the expulsion of ethnic Kenyans and Ethiopians from Somalia. Now, I’m no expert, but that doesn’t sound very tolerant or inclusive, does it?

Unsurprisingly, Omar’s comments sparked outrage. Somaliland Ambassador Rhoda J Elmi was “profoundly surprised” by Omar’s ethno-racist rant. “Her expressions were lacking in common decency and revealed a significant lack of understanding of basic facts,” Elmi wrote. I couldn’t have said it better myself!

And let’s not forget about Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who slammed Omar as a “terrorist sympathizer”. Greene criticized Omar for protecting Somalia’s border while our own border is being invaded.

So, what’s the takeaway here, folks? It seems that Omar has forgotten who she’s supposed to be representing. Last time I checked, she was elected to represent the interests of the United States, not Somalia. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a guy with a keyboard and an internet connection.


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Bob Michael

Was this filmed in Minneapolis or Mogadishu?


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities. Copy underneath site to

check it…………………………………….

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

Hard to tell. If you nave seen her and Tliabs districts you would not even know you were in the US.

Gerald Ladd

She’s a sand ni–er!


They are working their way further to conquer

Louie Szilvasi

It is time for you to learn how to read . It clearly says it was at a hotel in Minnesota .


And it’s time for you to learn how to read sarcasm!

Happy Warrior

Nearly one & the same, Bob.


there bes a diff erance today?

Navy Bob

Does not the 14th Amendment state is disqualifying for office if you “gave comfort or support” to enemies of the US? Based on the standards set by several states, does this not disqualify her from office? When does the House start hearings?


Thats treason and both ObamaBiden and Omar should be tried in the same court


Send her back to Somalia


Send her to the Gallows!


has a “D” behind her name? dark skinned? can’t touch her. some are more equal than others, under socialism in Amerika. RED states need to separate from this


should be starting now with her being sent to Gitmo ASAP while waiting death squad and confiscation of everything her and her family own


Apparently she has no clue about the oath of office that she took. Usually that results in a dismissal from office!!!!!! Hey!!!!! anything goes in Bides DEI/DNC government!!!!


Oh she knew and so did Obama what they were doing and its exactly the way it went down with Fauci a Planned dismantling of America


It was a “plannedemic.

gary w

He looks like he should be on south park!!!!

Stephen Russell

She represents Muslims

The Rebel

Eradicate her and the camel she rode in on !!!!!!


No camel. A limo at your expense.


Rebel: Wasn’t it her brother that rode in on her? (Not just her and her camel, the whole fan damily).


she sleeps with her brother (kinda like the FIBbers and other corrupt agencies)

Russ Mcgowan

America has enemies in our government that are very close to destroying the greatest country in all of history. And these enemies have opened our southern border to let more of their kind in. Hang on America for the ride of your life if Democrats win the next election. Hang on!!


Don’t be surprised if they do, be cause I expect them to steal it just like they did the last one, along with a few senate seats, and house seats.

MidNite Rider

Hang on tightly to your weapons. It’s Lock and Load time people.


I would call this treason and ship her back to Somalia and she how long she last there.


George W Bush after 19 of our fighting men were dragged thru the streets of Mogadishu, brought 15 000 Somali’s to Amerika and put them on welfare in his home state, Maine. The Bush family is yankee trash, NOT from Texas

Louie Szilvasi

This woman Ilhan Omar is a sworn enemy of America and the American People she hates everything what America stand for . .Get rid of Ilhan Omar kick her out of the Congress and deport her back to her country what ever it is.

Last edited 1 year ago by Louie Szilvasi
GI Bride

If you vetted her now I believe she entered the USA fraudently. So, pull her naturalization paper first then ship her back to Somalia.


We are total cowards if we do not remove this terrorist from our Federal government immediately!


a 2nd amendment is useless to a coward. Amerika is FULL of cowards, scared of the sissies & perverts in gov’t. Where are the real men today?


I surprised she still alive ? Hint ,hint, hint




Send this little lovely and ALL of her Somali fellow countrymen BACK to Somali immediately.
Her actions are proof that the main purpose of the immigration stampede is to get as many foreign soldiers installed here to take over our government and our way of life as soon as the numbers are sufficient to do so.


i think any sane person knows where her heart is and who for.


minnesota should recall this pos

the Rebel

rifle with a scope stops this crap!!!!


Omar should be thrown out of congress and deported to sommalia

glenna c cox

she needs to be gone. back where she came from.


This woman does not belong in the United States Congress!!


most, IF not all demon-rats, should be arrested for violation of oath of office. THAT use to be called fraud…. a felony

Richard Logan

I hope that the voters will kick her out in the next lection

GI Bride

The USA cannot wait that long it needs to be done now.

Gerald Ladd

Send her home! She lives to easy over here. Worst of all, she doesn’t apprecate it.


She should be expelled, impeached, prosecuted for treason and sentenced for treason.


Nasty raghead brother f*#ker


Saying “Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia)” used to be an opinion intended as an insult. Now it is a fact she boasts of.

OR Patriot



I know the people in Minneapolis are liberal, only God knows why. Is there more Somalians in her voting district than Americans? If so I guess we can thank Obama and our state department for that. Omar did many shady things. Our balless republicans sit on their hands and let her skate.How very sad.


Send her to Samalia that’s what she calls home.


This is wrong and it is obvious the rest of their squad doesn’t support American interests. What is this, the United Nations now?




Well we sure do not see her being removed from Congress as she should be.

the Rebel

rifle with a scope should remove her and her camel!!!!

GI Bride

Thats because both sides of the aisle are cowards. Even those who claim to love the USA.


From what I have seen from Somalis, the presence of Kenyans and Ethiopians can only improve things.


Expel the Jihad Squad from Congress, revoke their citizenship and deport them to Gaza!

GI Bride

Just back to the homeland of their ancestors will suffice. But do not forget to pull their citizenship first. & Bann from ever
re-entering ever.


AAAHHHhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, cough, choke, gag, fa*t, burp, shart, shower, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


Well she did get sworn in on the koran and adorns her office with non-American flags. What did you expect?

GI Bride

The Obama/Biden regime was responsible for allowing Omar into the USA. Her whole family I do not believe were ever vetted to apply for immigration into the USA. They came out of a Kenyen camp if I am correct fraudulently. I believe that her entrance into the USA should be checked out now for the safety of the USA.


This thing has not forgotten who it represents, not at all.
It deliberately went to congress to represent and support Muslims and Somalians. No intentions whatsoever to represent American citizens or American values.


Send her back !


Gee, didn’t anyone know that years ago? They keep voting her in. Send her back to Somalis, as a Muslim, she wouldn’t be able to shoot her mouth off.


this camel rag should be destroyed in 2024


Hopefully she will be voted out of office
