Israel Smacks Down Iran’s Supreme Leader: We Won’t Be Bullied!

In an unprecedented move, Israel directly responded to a social media post from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, igniting an international firestorm. The audacious response from the Middle Eastern nation came after Khamenei threatened further attacks if Israel dared to retaliate against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. This brazen provocation from the Ayatollah follows a weekend of bloodshed where over 1,000 Israelis, including 14 American citizens, were brutally murdered by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group backed by Iran.

Khamenei, demonstrating his apparent bravery behind the safety of his screen, warned on X (formerly known as Twitter), “Heads of the Zionist regime and their backers should know that the massacre and mass murder of the people of #Gaza will cause a larger calamity to come upon them.” Israel retorted with a piercing reply: “It’s easy to be brave when you’re hiding behind a keyboard. You and your Hamas friends will regret your barbaric actions very soon.”

While President Biden has stated his support for Israel, his silence on Iran’s role in these attacks is deafening. Recent reports from The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have linked Iran to the orchestrating of these attacks, alleging that officers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have been cooperating with Hamas and other terrorist groups since August. These reports suggest that the plans for these attacks were set in motion around the same time that the Biden administration agreed to unfreeze $6 billion for Iran.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), a nonprofit focusing on national security and foreign policy, raised concerns about how this funding could have enabled Iran to divert resources towards supporting terrorism. It’s clear that money doesn’t discriminate; it goes where it’s directed, and in this case, it could very well have funded the very rockets that rained down on Israeli civilians.

If these reports are accurate and Iran was indeed the puppet master behind these attacks, Israel has made it clear that they will not hesitate to target Iran’s top officials. As tensions escalate and the world watches with bated breath, the question remains: Will the Biden administration acknowledge Iran’s role in these attacks, or will they continue to turn a blind eye?

Israel’s direct response to Iran’s Supreme Leader’s post is more than just a war of words; it’s a bold statement of defiance against a regime that continues to sponsor terrorism and propagate violence. It’s a message to the world that Israel won’t be bullied into silence and will stand strong in the face of terror.

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That is great to hear that Israel did that. In the long run if we survive this craziness that will mean no more Hamas, Hezbolllah and finally no more Iran. Now where is any of this that is bad for rhe world. The only thing left is to get rid of those government officials in DC and vote for some that really do love God and Country.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ronald

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Alternate the connection————————————>>>

Last edited 1 year ago by Julia

Leave as’s hoIe!


sure, and don’t worry that israel wants to wipe out ALL the rest of the middle east so it owns/controls all the oil there for the demonic globalists


It’s time for Israel to take off the gloves. Totally annex Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank. Remove all Muslim militants with extreme prejudice and deport the Muslims there. Give the areas to Israeli settlers. Then destroy Iranian military resources.

Gerald Ladd

Let’s see if this site will publish my comments.


I wish you luck..I have tried, and I ALWAYS get “moderated” (CENSORED) every time.
Go to GAB ..On there you can post freely.


Yahoo is good about that. They do that often to me, despite the fact I say nothing offensive or derogatory. If they don’t like my viewpoint, I get censored.


Time to start shooting muslimes.


Islam has been at war with the non-Islamic world since the early seventh century. You might not like it, you might not even recognize it, but it isn’t your choice, and the fact remains.

Last edited 1 year ago by 2WarAbnVet

Great response to the Ayatollah. Freedom loving leaders should not be cowed by terrorists. Wish we could say the same here.


Israel is God’s Chosen people. If you hate Israel you hate God.


Big Amen there! It’s going to be a big surprise for Israel haters when they find out their arms are way too short to box with Almighty God.


Not so! Jesus looked the ones that are in control in Israel the in the eyes and called them sons of satan, Only those that except Christ are Gods people! Read the Bible. I hope Israel gets rid of the muslems for the worlds sake, as well as for Israel sake.


that’s a JOKE.
israel with the USA’s propagandized government is the WORLD BULLY!
